"Why are we following Happy again?" I groaned. I just want to get home plus i'm pretty hungry.
"I say we're lost again." Lucy groaned.
"How rude! Again?!" Happy exclaimed. We were walking for what felt like hours till we stoped at a canyon. Which was full of flying fish how appetizing. *sarcasam*
"Food!!!" Everyone exclaimed building makeshift fishing rods. I just sat down and swung my legs over the edge.
-a few minutes later-
We finally managed to catch one of those stupid flying fish. Which we decided to give to Happy. Everyone stared at Happy envious that he's getting food.
Happy a took a bite out of the fish.
"Bleugh!!" Happy exclaimed spitting out the fish. Ignoring the fish we decided to keep walking until we found a small village.
"Village?" Erza asked.
"And houses." Gray added.
"That means there's probably..."
"Food!!" Natsu finished for Happy. Everyone started to run towards the town. While I just walked shacking my head in disappointment.
"There's no one here." Gray said when we got to the center of the village.
"Maybe they're taking a nap. Hey anyone here?!?" Natsu yelled.
"We're starving like crazy. Someone please give us food!!" Happy begged.
"Are you sure everyone's napping?" Gray asked aloud
"That or either everyone got drunk and passed out." The master added.
"You're thinking of Fairy Tail." I inquired.
"That's a good point." The master pointed out.
"Bah. This is annoying I'll just take whatever food I can find by force." Natsu laughed running to a random house.
"Hold on that's basically robbery." Gray scolded joining him. We all followed them into the house they broke into.
"Something's not right." Erza pointed out.
"Yeah it's like people were just eating here. Where do the people who live here disappear to?" Gray asked aloud.
"How should I know. Let's eat for now. Happy!" Natsu exclaimed.
"Aye sir!" Happy smiled.
"Wait!!" Erza boomed with a scary look in her eyes.
"Y-Yes ma'am" Natsu stuttered scared.
"We need to investigate this town first we held out for this long. We can hold on for a little longer." *Grumble* wow Erza's really hungry.
"Natsu! You guys will look for mushrooms or something! Don't touch the food in the village. Master and I will investigate the village in the meantime." Erza commanded.
"All right" Natsu sighed walking out.
-in the mini forest where the mushrooms are-
Hmmm this tree looks nice. I started to climb it and laid down where all the branches meet.
The guys where talking with their mouths full of mushrooms while Lucy laughed nervously and Happy was explaining something about a cliché gag.
I looked at the guys and they had mushrooms on their heads. I covered my mouth to stifle my laughs which caused Natsu and Gray to look at me questionably.
"What is she laughing at?!?!" Natsu exclaimed angrily.
"Guys. Your heads." Lucy sighed. They both looked at each other and burst out laughing at each others mushroom. I closed my eyes and drowned their voices out so I can sleep.
I woke up after I heard this weird sound which startled me making me fall out of the tree. I let out a little squeal and braced for impact. But I never hit the ground. I looked up and saw Gray.
"Um thanks." I mumbled jumping out of Gray's arms.
"No problem." He smiled.
"Erza, Gramps!!" Natsu exclaimed running to where Erza and the master probably where. We found Erza and the master in the center of the town, when we got there the buildings started glowing and moving along with the ground.
"Let's do this, Gramps." Gray said getting into a fighting position.
"Wait!!" Gramps exclaimed.
"What for?!?" Gray asked shocked.
"We need to get to higher ground I want to check something." The master said running towards a cliff. When we got to the top of the cliff the buildings turned into monsters.
"Woah this makes no sense." Natsu groaned.
"It's a magic circle. Made by a dark guild." Master explained.
"They're living creatures which mean living creatures can be eaten." The master explained happily.
"Alright let's do this." Gray exclaimed grabbing my wrist and dragging me to the monster he was gonna attack. While Gray attacked the monster I just sat there watching him. What? He's doing all the work I'll probably just be in his way or something. Now that I think of it were acting like we just met each other even though he helped me paint the attic.
I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice a Gray had frozen the monster.
"Ok now to see how it tastes." Gray said chucking a small pice of ice towards me. I caught it and threw it behind me while he took a bite of his chunk of ice and almost immediately spit it out.
"Disgusting!!" He yelled causing me to laugh a little. We all ran up to where gramps was and the others started complaining. Suddenly Happy crashed into a rock causing his mushroom to fall off.
"Why didn't you help me Natsu you're so mean!!!" He cried. Then out of nowhere the monsters appeared again. We all got into a fighting stance and attacked them.
"Rebel yell!" I summoned a scythe which I swung and destroyed one of the monsters.
"There's no end to them" Natsu growled. Then the floor started to glow. What the heck.
"The magic circle. Run!!" Erza exclaimed but it was too late we started falling.
"I'm starving" Natsu groaned.
"If you keep thinking about it you'll just get hungrier" I sighed. Jeez I hope we find the guild soon.
Hey guys sorry for the really late update I've just been really busy with school but I hope you enjoyed this one.

Gray Fullbuster (Gray X OC)
Fanfiction#1 in the Gray Fullbuster tag August 13 ♡ Gray x OC I was just bored and I like fairy tail so I made this. This is based off the anime and more on forward it will be based off the manga. This Oc is Lucy's sister and they ran away from home and th...