I think I might add that one Laxus arc thingy. Should I? (edited)
All I could hear were the distorted voices of of the yelling members of the guild but I was way too absorbed into my book it's one of the most interesting books I've read in a while I only did hear Erza say something about us being a team which I smiled at, but I just continued reading.
☆Lucy's P.O.V☆
"Oh no" I groaned looking over to blade who was concentrated in a book.
"What?" Gray asked.
"Blade's making that face she does when she's way too concentrated on a book. That means she won't move until she's done with it." I sighed.
"That's easy I'll just carry her, the ride to our job is quite long hopefully she'll finish by then." Erza butted in. She went over to Blade and picked her up.
"She stayed in the same position..." We sweat dropped.
~after the job~
Lucy decided to take on another job to pay the rent this month. I think it was about a play or something.
Well we just happen to be in luck -sarcasam- since the actors ran out on the producer we have to put on a play of course Lucy let me and Lyra do the music so I don't have to rehearse just practice the songs which I learned in a matter of hours. The whole week it was just rehearse and rehearse and rehearse nothing else. I actually finished the book such an awesome ending. To be honest the week passed by quickly and in no time it was the day of the play.
Once the play started Erza got terrible stage fright and when I say terrible I mean horrible. The whole play just started going downhill. It's a good thing I get to stay on the side and play violin instead of embarrassing myself. Actually at one point it started progressing until Happy dropped Natsu. At that moment all hell broke lose. I just stood on the side of the stage and stared quite disappointedly. Not long after the entire theater broke down only leaving the stage and the crowd. Although the most surprising part of the show was when everybody started clapping at cheering at the end. At that very same moment I realized these people are nuts for actually liking this play.
After the job we made our way to Spa Town Hosenka because Erza and Lucy thought it would be a great idea to relax. Once we arrived we soaked for a while before changing into the provided robes, quickly we went to our inn room where Natsu and Gray started having a pillow fight which Erza soon joined in on. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the most violent pillow fight you have ever seen.
Not wanting to get seriously injured I hid in a corner and provided commentary until a pillow was going straight for me, but I caught it and threw it back into the fight.
looking around I found Lucy to be gone. 'I hope she's not getting into trouble...' I frowned. Finally the fight stopped and we set up to go to sleep, the order was Happy, Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Gray and me.
I was falling asleep until I felt a pair of eyes starting at me with hatred and the word 'Love Rivals' suddenly echoed through my head causing me to shiver.
'What the hell was that?' I looked around the room wide eyed.
-the next day- (a/n sorry for all the skips its just that she doesn't have any major roles in this episode and its mostly about Lucy.)
I was sitting next to Lucy who for once seemed pissed while Natsu and Gray fought which isn't surprising.
"Lucy I'm the one who won! Right!" They both yelled.
"Shut up." She said with a glare. Terrified I moved down a stool.
"We're sorry." They cried walking away.
Lucy left me home alone while she went to the public baths. I was starting to get comfy in my plushie pile when Gray suddenly barged into my room.
"What's u--" before I could finish he pulled me out of the plushie pile and practically dragged me out.
"Cmon Loke suddenly left Fairy Tail. " He slightly explained.
Most of the night we tried finding Loke but no luck. Eventually we had to go home and hope for the best.
~next day~ again sorry for the skips
I don't know how but Lucy found Loke who revealed himself to be a celestial spirit. I as usual ignored everyone because I have no interest but only started paying attention when I heard resort. Loke handed us our tickets before having a small talk with Lucy.
'Ugh now we have to go pack.' I sighed. Going home we packed up and headed to the resort.

Gray Fullbuster (Gray X OC)
Fanfic#1 in the Gray Fullbuster tag August 13 ♡ Gray x OC I was just bored and I like fairy tail so I made this. This is based off the anime and more on forward it will be based off the manga. This Oc is Lucy's sister and they ran away from home and th...