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All we could do was stare at Gray and the dragon he was on top of.
"GRAY!" Erza exclaimed in a somewhat scolding tone.
"If you've really betrayed Fairy Tail then you must have some reason!" She added.
"No reason. Nothin' like that." He glared.
"What?" Ezra whispered almost inaudibly as Gray jumped to a large boulder near the Dragonoid.
"Hai-Hai-Hai! And now all my research has come to fruition, and I have completed my Dragonoid! Shouldn't you people be singing my praises or something?" Daphne talked through the speaker.
"Is that the voice of this Daphne person? Give Natsu back this instant!" Ezra commanded.
"Sorry but no can do. I'm sure you realize that my Dragonoid here moves buy sucking out Natsu Dragneel's magic power." Daphne explained with her mouth full.
"Until I've sucked out all that magic power, I ain't giving Natsu Dragneel back." She added.
"To a wizard, ones magic power is their very life!" Erza growled.
"Give Natsu back now!" Lucy yelled.
"So, what are we going to do?" Happy asked worriedly.
"You want to get in her way? Just try it. Although even with your powers combined, I highly doubt you can hold out long enough to see it fully charged." Gray smirked.
"Ive heard of a dangerous, dragon-crazed wizard who was trying to create an artificial dragon." Carla suddenly gasped out.
"Is that you?" Wendy asked turning to the Dragonoid.
"Such slanderous rumors... So far from the truth. They should say ' the genius scientist Daphne succeed in creating an artificial dragon.' Haha It was truly a long struggle for me to perfect it. It started with the first step...... Ever since then, it became known as the 'The city without sound.' I continued my research, and it finally dawned on me. I needed the power of a Dragon Slayer to activate the Dragonoid." Daphne finished explaining.
"Hai-Hai-Hai, Natsu Dragneel! Salamander! Keep working until you drop dead! For me, and my evil ambitions! GET FIRED UP!" Daphne screamed making the gem at the chest of the Dragonoid light up and take a step forward. We all looked away and covered our faces from the flying debris.
"Looks like it's not just big, it's also gonna be seriously tough!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Aye." Happy agreed.
"You fiend! What are you planning to do by creating such a thing?!" Erza yelled.
"HAI-HAI-HAI! My great ambition is to complete the perfect Dragonoid! Even this is nothing more than a prototype. First up, we have to test it's current ability! TEST!!" Daphne screamed making the Dragooned walk forward once again. Wendy, Lucy and I barely managed to get out of the way.
"Lower half's mobility is su-perb, I see. Hai-Hai-Hai! Walking is impossible, say?"
"She's trouble! Really big trouble!" Lucy yelled.
"Ooh I know! She's what they call a 'Mad scientist'!" Happy pointed.
"We must stop it somehow but..." Erza frowned.
"With Natsu inside, we can't just attack carelessly!" I finished for her.
"Oh does it really matter?" Carla said sassily.
"Carla!" Wendy cried.
"I mean she kinda has a point." I muttered. We where cut off from our thoughts when the revving of a car neared.
"Gray, you bastard!" Macao yelled driving the S.E car.
"You've gone and done it this time!" Wakaba threatened.
"As I am a man! I will bring you back to the guild!" Elfman yelled jumping off the hood of the car and punching Gray square in the stomach.
'Ouch' I mentally flinched.
"Don't think ill of me. This was Master's orders." Elfman apologized.
"The Master?" Erza asked running up to them.
"Yeah, looks like he got word of Daphne." Macao explained
"He's decided to ask Gray how to get rid of that giant thing." Wakaba added.
"ERZA!" Lucy and me screamed staring at the dragonoid that was stretching out it's wings. In less than a minute the robot was up in the sky occasionally flapping it's wings.
"It's flying!" We yelled in shock.
"Flying? That's so unfair!" Happy cried
"Like you can complain." Lucy sweat-dropped at the blue cat.
"Oh no! It's heading straight towards Magnolia." Wendy pointed out.
"Lucy and the rest of you return to the guild and get everyone mobilized. We'll protect magnolia, everyone." Erza ordered.
"But, what would happen to..." Lucy was cut off by Erza summoning her sword.
"I will stop that Dragonoid!" She said fiercely.
"Understood." I nodded picking Lucy up.
"Happy let's go!" I motioned.
"AYE SIR!" He yelled. We began to make our way I had to slow down in order to let Wendy catch up.
Once we got back to Magnolia we all started escorting the citizens towards the guild for shelter. Finishing up there we headed to the guild where Gray was being escorted by Bisca and Alzack while Elfman was passed out on the floor.
'What did I miss out on.'
"Yeah we all owe Natsu big time." Jet smirked.
"All right! If we all work together, we can save Natsu!" Happy flew above us.
"AYE SIR!" We all agreed raising our fists in the sky.
"Wait!" Master stopped us.
"Fairy Tail is a guild that lives and dies with Magnolia. Our first priority is to protect the city from being destroyed!" He added.
"You want us to attack that thing!" Lucy frowned.
"But Natsu is inside of it!" Happy yelled.
"As Master of Fairy Tail I order you all: Use any means necessary to stop the Dragonoid! What? He'll be fine! His body built nice and sturdy!" The Master exclaimed.
We all began to run towards the Dragonoid's direction and threw multiple attacks at it. When Erza met up with us we explained the plan.
"So the Master decided that destroying it is top priority? What about Natsu?" Erza asked.
"He said that he was sturdily built, so he should be fine." I explained.
"Oh I see. NATSU! On Master's orders we will stop the Dragonoid with our full strength! Before we do that I want to check with you! Let us hear you!" Erza exclaimed. We waited a few seconds before getting the approval of our fiery friend.
"Alright then. LET'S GO!" Erza commanded.
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I feel like this is kinda short...

Gray Fullbuster (Gray X OC)
Fanfiction#1 in the Gray Fullbuster tag August 13 ♡ Gray x OC I was just bored and I like fairy tail so I made this. This is based off the anime and more on forward it will be based off the manga. This Oc is Lucy's sister and they ran away from home and th...