Fairy Tail movie Pt.3

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I'm going to shorten or skip some parts tho so I can begin writing the manga so sorry if I skip some parts.

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The adventure through the forest was full of monsters itching to get beat up by us. Although it was fun it was also very tiring, but the view also made it all worth it. Although what we found in the forest wasn't exactly what we were expecting it was a bit worse actually and to finish it off once we got back to the guild we were attacked. The ones who attacked took their liberty to destroy the guild hall and to kidnap Eclair. We chose out our rescue party and made our way to where Eclair was kidnapped.While on the train Gajeel explained everything that was happening and why. With all our questions answered we started making a plan to also stop the stones from being reunited and to save Eclair.


Once we arrived I went with my group which consisted of Juvia and Gray. Awkward. We ran through the empty streets running towards the center of the city.

"Hurry, Juvia!" Gray ushered.

"Right!" The bluenette nodded.

"Get down!" Gray tackled us out of the way of bullets shooting from the river besides us.

"You!" Gray growled at the guy

"You're so bold, my dear Gray!" Juvia blushed.

"Pretty boy! Let's play some more!" The mustache man chuckled. That comment obviously angered Juvia.

"Anyone who messes with Gray... even a meatball like you... will have to answer to Juvia! YOU ROMANTIC RIVAL!" The blunette screamed.

"Calm down!" Gray advised helping me up.


"Calm down waterworks he strips down no matter what, remember?" I reminded the water woman with an irritated sigh. The guy shot at us but luckily Gray shielded us in time.

"Slicer!" Juvia shot at him.

"Rebel yell!" I sliced with my scythe. The guy easily jumped up dodging our attacks and shot more at us. Gray grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the scene.

"Shatter to pieces!" The guy shot at us with a ton of machine guns.

"Right in the middle of town!" Gray frowned jumping into the water. We stayed down there formulating an attack strategy. Once we finished we nodded and put the plan into action. 

Juvia used her magic to rise Gray up from the water.

"Oh? The pretty boy's finished his bath." the man taunted. Once he was at the desired height Gray froze the water.

"You wrecked our guild! Now it's payback time!" Gray growled going down his ice slide.

"Bring it on!" the guy laughed.

"Cold Excalibur!" Gray yelled dodging the bullets. Just as Gray was about to reach him I jumped out from the water and slammed my heel into the center of his head knocking him down. Once Gray reached the bottom he froze the bastard.

"Let's go, Blade, Juvia." Gray ordered.

"Yes!" Juvia nodded cheerfully while I just followed. Just as we were reaching the center a giant monster appeared.

"That must be the phoenix..." I breathed out staring at the monster.

"Yeah." Gray nodded, speeding up. Once we reached the center we arrived just in time to see team Laxus and Natsu defeat the guy who took Eclair.

"He did it!" Gray cheered.

"Yeah, but it ain't over yet." Gajeel pointed out.

"Dis may be defeated, but the Phoenix isn't." Panther Lily nodded.

"That's true."  Wendy breathed out.

"A small elite team? Get real." Cana laughed pocking Wendy's cheek lightly.

"Cana-san!" Wendy jumped.

"You're all beat up." Cana smiled.

"Everyone!" Gray smiled looking at the rest of the guild members who decided to join.

"On Masters behalf, we decided, screw the small team idea." Macao smirked.

"Real men are duty-bound to fight!" Elf-man nodded.

"Man that things huge." Wakaba sighed.

"All right! Let's go!" Mirajane nodded. And so we all started to attack the phoenix doing our best to take it down. Everyone sent in their own best individual attacks hitting the thing straight on. After a while our attacks seemed to have no effects, but suddenly a blue flash hit the phoenix making it fall back. immediately we jumped out of the way to avoid being crushed. As we jumped out f the way the phenix spat out the giant fireball it had been conjuring. I stared as the fireball opened up and began to fall. Before it could reach us it disappeared and the phoenix turned a dark shade of Gray and began to crumble away.

As the phoenix disappeared we saw the spirit of Eclair and Momon. They began to fly away once they talked to Natsu and eventually they merged into one, transforming into beautiful fiery Fairy Tail logo.


Everything was quiet. All you could hear were the sorrowful sobs of Wendy and Lucy as I did my best to console the blonde.

"I had no idea this would happen..." Erza spoke up turning to the Master who was staring off into the distance.

"Eclair... Eclair..." Lucy repeated making Happy let out a sad sound.

"Natsu... Is magic good? or is it bad?" Lucy cried. Natsu only nodded 'no'.

"I don't care if it's good or if it's bad... I just wish there was a magic spell for stopping tears!" She cried louder slipping away from my arms and collapsing in Natsu's.

"Eclair was smiling at the very end." Natsu spoke up.

"Natsu..." Lucy sobbed.

"It's okay. We're in this together." He smiled softly pulling Lucy into a hug.

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Finally I can start updating from the Manga! SPOILERS FROM NOW ON!!!!!!

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