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Song: under the bridge- red hot chili peppers
Bruh listen to it^^^
Oh and blues new hair color picture^^^

Blue pov:

It's been 2 months since Harry and I called things off and I've been in hell.

I miss cuddling and running my fingers through his soft curls, I miss our random late night chats, I miss him.

I was currently in the guest room at Ashly's getting ready for work at the bar and grill down town that I worked at now, it was kinda like hooters but more classy.

The pay was good and I almost had enough to start renting my own apartment so I could stop being a burden on Ashly.
I looked in the Mirror touching up my now dark blue hair and my work uniform that consists of a tight white v-neck with my name on it in the corner and black shorts.

"Ready for work?" Ashly popped her head in the door, I nodded grabbing my purse and following her out the door to her car.
"Thanks for the ride again dude" I say as she starts her car.

"No problem-o I'm meeting up with mark for dinner near there anyway"

"Ooo00" I smirk in her direction "should I expect you home tonight?"

"let's just say don't wait up for me" she winks at me. God I have the best best friend.
"So what's up with your love life, any new conquests?"

I sigh and think about Harry "not really"
For the rest of the car ride I daze off thinking if Harry has moved on yet or if he's as upset as me, but probably he's as happy as a bachelor could be.

Some time later

"Blue go serve table six" my boss tells me and I nod grabbing my note pad out of my pocket and heading over to the table but i stop when I see him.

It's a table of four men in suits laughing Together and one of the men is the guy I haven't been able to get off my mind in months. Harry styles.

I suck in a deep breath and head over to the table.
"Hello my names blue and I'll be your waitress today are you ready to order?"I ask with a fake smile on my face as I avoid eye contact with Harry.

"Hmmm I don't think we're ready just yet" one of the men that looked slightly older than the rest at the table said and I nod my head.
"Okay how about I get you some drinks in the mean time?"I could practically feel Harry's eyes burning holes through me.

"That'd be perfect I think we'll all have a beer what do you say lads?" The guy ask and they all nod and I write it down.
"Okay if that all I'll be back shorty" I say and walk off when he confirms the order of beers.

Right when I turn away the fake ass smile is wiped off my face.
I run my fingers through my hair,Fuck I don't think I can handle seeing him.

I collect myself  and grab the four glasses and carefully take them to the table.
"Here you guys go" I say and carefully set the drinks down in font of everyone.
"Are you ready to order now" I ask politely with a smile.

I see Harry close his menu "What do you recommend love?" He asked and I almost die hearing his voice again for the first time in 2 months.

I feel my knees go weak but I stand up straight "well the Burger of the day is pretty good and you can get it without onions" I cringe slightly after I added the without onions because I knew he hated them and I'm making a fool out of myself.

"That sounds lovely I'll take that" he says looking up at me and I nod writing it down.
The rest of them order their things and I excuse myself to give the chef their order and tend to other tables.
My shift  was almost  over but I had to wait for my last two tables to clear out before I could leave, one of those tables being Harry's Table.

I walk to table six when they looked like they were done eating.
"Hello would you guy like dessert?" I ask with a smile and they all said no or shook their heads.
"Okay I'll just go get the check if your done here for tonight."
I was going to leave but the one dude stopped me.
"We're going to head to the bar could you just transfer the check to my tab there?" He asks and I nod my head yes.

"Of course sir"

Finally I was done for the day it being 10 at night already.
"Bye Mel I say to my boss as I head out to the back to leave"

"Bye sweetie be safe" she smiles sweetly at me and I tell her I will then leave.
I was walking down the darkish ally way when suddenly I was pulled back and pushed against the brick wall a hand covering my mouth as I tried to scream.

"Sshhhh it's me" I look up and see Harry standing I front of me.

He takes his hand off my mouth and I raise my brow. "Harry?"

"Yup yup that's me and you you're blue" he slurs making me sigh.
He's drunk of course he's drunk.
"Your drunk Harry" I say softly.

He nods his head "I know I know and I wanted to tell you something my little blueberry"
I smile slightly as my chest fills with warmth.
"What do you need to tell me"
"I looovvveeeee youuu bluee" he giggles leaving me shocked.
I sigh he's just drunk he doesn't mean it.
"Let's get you home Harry yeah?" Thank god his apartment was just a block from here.

The walk to his apartment was hard he kept stumbling and getting distracted.
But eventually I got him inside his apartment after wrestling him for the key.

I push Harry back on to the bed making him laugh and I pull off his shoes and socks then I take off his jacket and start untying his tie.

"Are we going to have sex again" he asks quietly and I laugh.
"Not today Harry"
"Oh" he pouts cutely making my chest hurt.

After I have his tie off he starts un buttoning his shirt a little and then stops.
Probably for comfort reasons.
I pull back his blanket and motion for him to get in bed.

"Will you stay with me?" He asks cutely and my heart aches in my chest.
"I can't"
"You can and you have to"
He motions for me to climb into bed with him making me sigh.

I kick off my shoes and climb into the bed knowing this will only hurt my feelings more in the morning.

He turns the light off and pulls me into him, my head buried into his chest.

Just as I relaxed and was dozing off he held me tighter than I thought was possible.
This, in his arms was where I felt safest it's the place I love.
"I miss  you" he whispered.
"I miss you too" I tell him and wrap my arms around him letting sleep take me.

I updated :3
Listen to that song up there or to the side idk I attached it cause it inspired me to write this and I ℒℴѵ it.

Okay was it good?
Thank you for reading enjoy:)

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