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Life seemed perfect now.
Harry and I have been back together for a month already and things have been going smoothly.

I slowly walk out of Harry's room in my knee socks and one of his t shirts.
I apparently woke up to late so he just left me in bed. Pfft one in the after noon isn't to late to wake up.
I fine him sitting against the couch on the floor with the video game controller in his hands and grand theft auto on the tv.
I quietly walk into the room and over to him once he sees me he smiles and lift up his arms still playing his game and I sit on his lap with my knees on ether side of him and cuddle my face into his neck.
Cuddling goals.
He put his arms around me and continued playing his game while I just breathed in his scent as creepy as it was.
"Morning beautiful" he say and kisses my cheek making me smile profusely.
"Good morning" I say quietly hugging my arms around him tighter.
"Are you ready for tonight birthday girl?" Harry asks making my smile widen.
"And I thought you forgot" I tease kissing his neck once softly.
"How could I forget my babygirls birthday?"
I shrug my shoulders "who knows maybe your getting tired of me already"
Suddenly I wasn't on top of him but the other way around as he had me pinned to the carpeted floor.
"I could never get tired of you baby" he says and pushes his lips to mine our mouths connecting in a romantically slow action.
He pulled back a little and started leaving small kisses all over my face making me giggle.
"Happy...eighteenth....birthday" he says kissing me after every word.
He stops and we stay like that staring into each others eyes for the moment his hair coming down around his face.

"You need a haircut" I tease running my fingers through his hair.
He laughs making his curls shake and raises a eyebrow "you don't like it long?"
"Oh I love it long it looks.." I pause "very sexy"
He brings his face down and kisses my neck softly one of his hands traveling up the back of my thigh "I'm glad you think so baby girl"

I got a text from Harry three minutes after he left for the store.

Daddy💗: get dressed wear something warm <3
Curiosity got the best of me.
Me: whyyyyyy?
Daddy💗: I'm not telling ;)see you in 20 love
I excitedly jumped off from the bed and into the closet. Just last week me
And Harry decided to move back in together so all my clothes were here now.
Hmm something warm.

I pulled out black skinny jeans and a dark red knit sweater and slipped them on with my combat boots.
Okay super warm and super hot.
I go into the bathroom and pull my dark blue hair out of its bun making it curl weirdly in some directions but be straight in others.
I plug in the flat iron and quickly straighten my hair.
After I was done I checked the time to see its been 23 minutes.
He lied to me.
To be honest I already missed him and wanted him back in my arms.
Don't judge my clinginess.
Just then I hear the door open and close. I quickly fast walk into the kitchen where he was setting the bags down his back towards me. Yes back towards me equals surprise hug!!!

I quickly sneak up behind him engulfing him in a huge hug " you're home!!"
He stumbles slightly making me giggle but regains balance and turns to me pulling me in a hug.
"You were gone for so long I thought I was going to dieeee" I wine out holding on to him and he chuckles.
"I missed you daddy"
"Well I'm here now babygirl" he says and kisses my lips for a moment.
His kisses are Quick and sweet and I love them.
I love him.
This sudden realization made me stop and pull away from Harry.
"Where are we going"
He smirks pushing his hair out from his face "you'll see"
Forty minutes later we were in the car pulling into a large buildings Parkin lot.
"Daddy Where are we?" I ask looking out the window and his thumb rubs over my hand that he's holding.
"Look" he says and points to a sign that makes my heart pick up speed.
The ice den.
"No way" I squeal and squeeze his hand.
"Happy birthday" he smirked at me and pulled into a spot.
Ice skating we're going ice skating.
"You're the best!!" I say and climb out of the car rushing over to his side where I stand basically jumping up and down waiting for him to get out.
He takes his sweet time getting out of the car making me bite my lip.

"Daddy hurry it up" I say making him laugh.
Finally he gets out after locking the car and I grab his hand and pull him into the building.
He buys our skates and we sit outside the practically empty ice skating rink and undo our shoes.
I tie mine up then stand only to wobble and sit back down.
"Baby girl you have to tie them tighter than that, I'll help after I'm done" Harry says making me smile,he's so sweet.
He kneels down in front of me and laces them up a little to tight if you ask me but when I stand I no longer wobble.
And then we're on the ice.
I let out a loud laugh as we start skating me holding on to Harry who was skating backwards like a pro.
Pfft show off.
"Thank you so much Harry" I smile at him as we skate slowly and he smiles back at me.
"Anything for you baby girl"
We've been at the rink for almost two hours and my feet were killing me.
I had gotten the hold of skating and could freely skate without support but that doesn't mean I didn't hold Harry's hand the whole time because I definitely did.
By the time we got off the ice and we were back in the car it was three thirty.

My 'surprise' party Ashly was throwing started at 7 so we had time to kill.
Ice skating with Harry was the funnest thing ever, stolen kisses and twirls holding hands and enjoying our time together.
This day was perfect and nothing could ruin it.

My phone rang and I happily picked it up knowing nothing could kill my mood.
"Hello" I say happily into the phone.
I guess when I said nothing could kill my mood I spoke to soon.
You likely?
I finally updated after so long and I'm sorry it took that long I had things going on but I did it.
Let me know if you like it
Thanks for reading!!!enjoy

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