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Dear Sir,

We regret to inform you that due to a sever region-wide blight this spring we will be unable to fill your standing order of Caratare Root. But please be aware that we are currently working with our Australian counterpart to attain stock from them for you at no cost. Unfortunately, as you know, Australia's harvesting season for this root does not begin for another four months. We will endeavor to expedite the items to you as soon as possible and will credit your account for the original amount. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. We hope this incident does not cause us to lose you as a valued customer.

Lance Marlot
Pordges Apothecary Supplies
Since 1825

Snape crumpled the letter into a ball and threw it across the room. Inconvenience? Those bastards had no idea! Two weeks before the school year began and he had to inform the Headmaster that he would be unfit to teach for four months. Yes, that was beyond inconvenient.

Pacing back and forth in his office, Snape fumed as his thoughts raced. He would need to inform Lucius to hold Draco at home for those four months as well. Of course, if Snape were not there it probably wouldn't be that bad. Perhaps Draco could attend without the Compescere Potion. He was young but he shouldn't have any provocation without Snape there.


Albus Dumbldore finished reading the wrinkled letter and looked up at his potions teacher. Snape was quite clearly agitated and Dumbledore couldn't blame him.

"Hmmm," Albus began. "I don't really see any reason for the school to lose its potions professor for four months over this."

"It's Draco's seventh year. He can not afford to lose so much time," Snape bit out.

"You're correct. That is why neither one of you will be missing for any amount of time." Albus raised his hand to forestall the ensuing argument. "I do understand the ramifications of not having your potion, but I assure you I have full faith in your abilities of self control, Severus. Draco is young, that is true, but I am sure you can handle both him and yourself. That is why Lucius made you his son's godfather, correct?" At Snape's short nod, he continued. "You only created this inhibiting potion ten years ago, Severus. You must have some ability in shepherding young Mr. Malfoy at his age without your tonic."

"You ask too much, Albus. I only had to control myself at his age. How do you expect me to handle both of us during this critical time period? Draco is headstrong and that is not including the heavy dose of pure arrogance that Lucius has instilled in the boy."

"So the two of you will bump heads more often then not. I am sure the Gryffindors will appreciate the respite."

"Albus this is not a laughing matter!"

"Calm down, Severus. I do know what is at stake. I assure you that I and the other teachers will be on hand to divert any altercations. Besides, if memory serves me, being the younger, he shouldn't cause too much trouble. I believe you are more than enough to intimidate him into some obedience."

Snape huffed and stopped his pacing. He more or less flung himself down into the chair across from the large desk. Albus smiled and there was quiet confidence in his face.

"I promise, Severus, nothing unfortunate will happen. We will be on guard and will take any precautions you deem necessary," he assured. He rose to his feet and escorted Snape to the door.

"Besides," he added with a smile. "It's not as if we have a subicio mixed into the fray." Snape grimaced.

"I shudder at the thought."

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