Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Harry stumbled to his feet and saw all eyes in the room turned to him. He blushed.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Malfoy. So glad you decided to join us," Snape snarled. Draco passed by Harry and dropped one of the bookbags at Harry's assigned seat.

"Don't blame me," Draco drawled, sending a meaningful look at the potions master. "I had to practically drag him here. Guess it's not his favorite subject." He gracefully sat in his seat with a smirk. Harry glared at Draco, and then for good measure, glared at Snape too. Snape raised a surprised eyebrow.

"I see. Very well, if you both have done with your grand entrance will you do me the pleasure of shutting your mouths and finding your seat?" He said the last with a pointed look at Harry. Harry tossed off another glare at the teacher before stomping over to his seat and flopping down. He then gave Snape an expectant look and waved for him to continue. Almost all of the Gryffindors' eyes bugged out in shock. The Slytherins acquired bloodthirsty looks as they waited for Snape to tear Harry apart.

Snape narrowed his eyes. The Slytherins practically drooled as they waited for the carnage to begin. But Snape merely sneered at Harry and continued with his lecture.

Harry glowered down at his desk. It was stained and he hated the colors. He hated that he was in Potions. He hated that Snape was his teacher. He hated that he was in the dungeons. Harry was not very happy.

"Harry, will you get the cauldron?"

Harry looked up at his potion partner and snarled. "Why do I have to get it? You have legs too."

Hermione gave him a surprised look and then schooled her features into calm. "Alright, Harry. I'll get it." So saying she walked around to his side of the table, picked it up from where it rested next to his elbow and brought it back to where she had been sitting. She placed the blackened and dented pot in between them and began reading the instructions for the potion for the day. He didn't listen. Her voice joined in with the murmur that was filling the room and Harry hated that.

"Harry, would you like to get the ingredients or shall I?" Hermione asked calmly. Harry glared at her.

"You're the smart one who always has to be right so you go get them," he said nastily, crossing his arms over his chest. Hermione gritted her teeth and closed her eyes for a moment. When they opened again, she smiled tightly and said, "Okay, I shall."

While Hermione went to the storage cabinet, Harry glared about the room. Snape was at his desk, grading something probably. Just then he looked up and Harry sneered at him. Snape merely tilted his head in question and Harry looked away. Stupid dumb man didn't even know when someone was trying to pick a fight with him. And Harry really wanted a fight. He was still annoyed and angry from the conversation in the hall with Draco and a fight sounded good. Maybe he should go over and see what Seamus was doing.

"Here we are," Hermione said pleasantly as she sat down with the needed components. "Now, if you would be nice enough to chop up the roots, I'll take care of the beetle wings."

"Why do I have to chop the roots?" Harry asked testily.

Hermione smiled tightly again and switched jars with him. "Alright, I'll chop and you smash."

"Why don't you take care of both since you're such a bloody genius." Harry pushed the jar of beetle wings away from him.

"Harry, is there something I have specifically done or are you just being bitchy?" Hermione asked nicely.

"Oh, of course, blame it on the animal's senses, right? Nothing could be wrong with perfect, prissy, Professor Granger."

Hermione spun to look at him, dropping the knife she was using. Her eyes were big. "Harry! If I have done something to make you angry, tell me. I don't want to ever hurt you, but you are certainly being mean to me!"

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