Chapter Thirty-Five

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Green eyes opened and were not quite sure what they were looking at. Harry realized his glasses were somewhere other than on his face and everything had a fuzzy edge to it. He saw a yellow-topped body lying next to him and a blurry arm was draped over him from behind. It was all quite fascinating and he wanted to make those fuzzies move and make him feel perfect again. But first, he really needed to use the toilet.

Moving slowly so as not to disturb the other two occupants, Harry slipped down to the foot of the bed and off onto the floor. The light from the slender windows at the very top of the vaulted ceiling was enough to see by. As he passed by the side where Snape was Harry caught a glimpse of refracted light. When he investigated this, he was correct in his assumption that the light had been glinting off his glasses. Popping them onto their proper place Harry turned back to the bed and took in the view. The bedclothes were scattered everywhere and the naked bodies were only partially covered. Both bodies were pale but nothing at all sickly. Finely defined muscles ran from shoulder to ankle. A taut buttock here and a well shaped thigh there and strong hands laid where Harry had just vacated. It was a beautiful sight and if it were not for the pressing needs of his bladder, he would have happily climbed back in and become a happy Harry sandwich.

Looking around the cozy bedroom Harry noticed a partially open door on the far side of the room. Through its opening Harry could just make out black tile and headed straight for it. Again, Harry's assumption was correct when he found the bathroom. He washed his hands after relieving himself and quietly opened the door. As he crossed the threshold his elbow bumped a book that had been lying askew on the top of a shelf and it landed on the floor with a sharp crack. Harry looked back up at the bed and was met with glinting black eyes staring at him over Draco's hip. Harry was happy to see that one of them was awake now and they could get on with the business of making things feel right and wonderful. He took a step forward.


Harry halted at the command and watched as Snape raised himself up. The professor looked about himself, at the bed, at Draco and then at Harry. His face was slowly changing to features of pure fury. Silver splashed across his cheekbones and Harry swallowed heavily.

"Don't you move," Snape snarled, his lip actually curling. Draco began to stir at the sound of Snape's voice but never got the chance to do anything other than open his eyes.

Snape fisted his hand in Draco's tousled hair and dragged him from the bed. Draco cried out as his body fell hard to the floor and reached up to the fist to try to relieve the pressure on his head. Snape dragged him, legs kicking desperately, to the closed bedroom door on the complete opposite side of the room from Harry. The enraged man then used his hair to haul him up to a standing position. Draco was left hanging with only his toes touching the ground, his face portraying the pain he was in.

"Get out," Snape seethed. "You are to leave now and never darken my doorstep again. I renounce my relationship to you as godfather and will be quite happy to have nothing to do with you after the term is done."

"You wanted it!" Draco yelled. "You wanted it and I just helped you get it!"

Snape slammed Draco's head into the door. Harry could hear the thud as no doubt the entire dungeons could as well. Draco cried out again and Harry winced in sympathy at the obvious pain the blonde was in.

"I never wanted it!" Snape was almost frothing at the mouth. "You callow piece of offal! I have worked hard all my life," Snape slammed Draco's head with those three words, "to attain dignity and respectability. I have risked my life to accomplish my goals. Now, I have engaged in fornication with two of my students. One of which," again Draco's head hit the door, "is the blessed Savior of the World! I will be vilified by every newspaper this side of the Atlantic!"

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