Chapter Twelve

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WARNING We will now be encountering some turbulence and the author asks you to please buckle your saftey belts. We are now coming to the "good" parts for some of you and the "Oh no! Poor Harry" parts for the others. I can not correctly classify it as non-con because Harry is an actual consenting partner (please refer to previous two chapters). But it's not going to be pretty. But I assure you, I am not a gratuitous Harry Basher. Promise! And for all you die-hard "Leave Harry Alone" people, stick with me and I swear I'll make you happy! *crosses heart and bats eyelashes* Now, on with the story...

Harry felt the effects of being near Draco with only taking two steps. He became quite content to be this close to Draco. Even when Draco pushed him roughly up against the wall and ripped his robes and shirt as he pulled them away from his neck. Harry felt Draco's nose as it pushed against his neck and he again felt the warmth of a tongue slide from his shoulder to just under his jaw.

"You're mine, Potter," Draco rasped into Harry's throat. "From now on you are completely mine and will only do what I say you can do. Do you understand that?"

"Yes, Draco."

Draco grabbed him by the back of the neck and literally flung him into the room he had previously exited. Lying on the floor Harry saw Draco turn and smile at Hermione and Ron who had obviously just caught up to him.

"Leave him alone, Malfoy!"

"Sorry Weasley. Potter and I have come to an agreement. And part of that agreement is that I can't humiliate him in front of you two. So do be kind enough to run along so that I can fulfill my side of the bargain and humiliate him in private."

"Harry," Hermione called as she stretched to look over the arm Draco was using to bar their entrance. "Harry, please, you can fight this. Think of it like the Imperio!"

"Harry, come here." Draco spoke kindly but his eyes betrayed him. Harry got up off the floor and came to stand beside the blonde. Draco grabbed a hold and pulled Harry in front of him, his hands on Harry's upper arms holding Harry in place. Not that he needed to restrain him in any way.

"Harry," Draco began in a mockingly gentle voice, "tell these idiots where you want to be right now." Harry looked into his friends' eyes. Hermione and Ron were both wearing identical faces full of worry for him and anger at Malfoy. He really hated to see them like that.

"I want to be here with you, Draco." Draco smirked at the two Gryffindors.

"Harry, you don't know what your saying!" Ron yelled.

"Let him move away from you and ask him that, Malfoy," Hermione challenged.

"I could, but like I said, Potter and I struck a deal. Walking away from me was not part of it, was it, Harry?"

"No, Draco."

"You see?" Draco shrugged. "I did not set the terms of the agreement, so address your complaints to him. On second thought, go away and do something more productive like jump out of your tower." Draco never took his eyes off Hermione and Ron as he turned and threw Harry back into the room. He ignored the gasp and swearing that came from them. "Now, if you'll excuse us." Draco stepped back and the door slammed shut on two angry faces. Draco pulled out his wand and silenced the door, cutting short the threats and desperate pleas for Harry to come to his senses.

"Now, where were we," Draco prowled to the place where Harry laid. Harry was lying on his back, propped up on his elbows watching Draco come closer. "Ah yes, I remember now. Stand up, Potter." Harry immediately rose to his feet. Malfoy walked slowly around him and stopped out of Harry's sight. "Strip," came the command from behind.

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