Chapter Fourteen

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Harry made his way down the main stairs early the next morning. He had spoken briefly to a few of his housemates and had repeatedly reassured them that he was fine and that they could dismantle the Malfoy Warning System. They had given him strange looks and many of them assumed that he was off to go kill Draco. It was Friday and he planned to attend classes. But first he needed to placate and make nice with an Indago. He really did not want to be humiliated in front of the entire school so he would need to do some major damage control as soon as possible.

Swinging past the kitchens and getting Dobby's help, Harry then walked to Draco's room. Standing outside the oak door, he took a deep breath and knocked. Harry waited a moment and then rose his hand to knock again when the door was wrenched open and he was left standing there with his hand in mid-air. Immediately Harry felt the high come on but not nearly as over powering as it was before. But it was just enough to push him past the resistance that his pride was giving him for what he was about to do. Draco stood in only a towel, his hair damp and falling loosely onto his forehead. Cold gray eyes bore into his and Harry quickly lowered his gaze.

"Too bad. I thought it was that pushy hag, McGonagall," Draco said conversationally. "I was going to give her a shock for coming to nag so early."

Harry dropped to his knees and held up the covered tray he had gotten from the kitchen. "I brought this for you, Draco. I want to apologize for leaving without asking last night, but I did not think you would want me anymore."

Harry watched Draco's naked feet come a step closer and felt the cloth over the tray being removed. Harry hoped the rumor of Draco's insatiable sweet tooth was true. He had piled the tray with a large variety of biscuits and puddings and candies that Dobby had been able to scrounge up. Dobby had even raided Dumbledore's private cupboard of sweets for Harry. The feet stepped back.

"Take it inside and put it on the table." Harry rose and did as requested. He found the table near a door he had not seen last night and assumed it led to the private garden McGonagall and mentioned. The room was done in deep purples and gray. As he lowered the tray down next to the remains of Draco's breakfast he heard the sound of the door clicking shut. He turned back around but still kept his eyes lowered in a perfect display of submissiveness.

"So, you brought me a peace offering," Draco drawled. He came closer and stopped directly in front of Harry. "Afraid that I'll ignore that pathetic bargain?"

"Yes, Draco. I don't want to be embarrassed in front of my friends."

"Oh, yeah? How badly do you want that to not happen?"

Harry wanted Draco to be happy and he knew that the blonde wasn't. Harry went back down onto his knees. Reaching out he took hold of the hem of the towel about Draco's waist and held it, waiting.

"Go on," Draco urged quietly.

Harry tugged at the terry cloth and it slipped free and pooled at the bare feet. Before him lay Draco's cock, nestled in dark blonde curls. Harry noted that it was bigger than his and thicker. He tried not to think about how much pain it had caused only hours ago. The desire to please was ready to help that and instead he studied it and realized that it could be considered beautiful. It was perfectly proportioned and looked velvety soft. But Harry didn't want it soft at the moment. He slowly reached out and drew one finger down the length of it. Immediately it began to stiffen and rise, barely touching the small piece of silver spotted skin that was just above the curly hair. Using that same finger he kept tracing up and down its ever growing length until it had risen fully. Scooting forward a bit on his knees, Harry brought his face closer and pushed his nose into the curly stiff hair. Breathing deep, he inhaled the fragrance that was Draco and it smelled wonderful. Turning his head to the side he rubbed his cheek along the hard thigh. Draco brought his hand to Harry's hair and combed through it. Knowing that he had given the proper obeisance and it had been accepted, Harry leaned forward and ran his tongue along the same path his finger had traveled. Draco tasted salty and clean. Giving another long slow lick elicited a small groan from above. Happy that he was pleasing Draco, he moved closer and pulled the tip into his mouth. Fluid was already leaking out and Harry went after it, licking at the slit. Draco's hand tightened in the dark locks and rubbed at the nape of Harry's neck. Harry was exultant over the praise Draco was bestowing on him and was determined to make this as good as he could. He had no knowledge on how this was done other than his own fantasies, but Hermione had explained that he would instinctually know what to do.

Sucking at the tip, he brought his hand up and gently fondled the sac below. He rolled it between his fingers and marveled at its shape and texture. It was heavier and bigger than his. Hermione had said that it was because his was merely ornamental. Well, she hadn't really said that, she had actually just blushed and pointed at the correct paragraph for Harry to read. It had said that even if he had never met up with another of his kind he would not be able to father children. Harry still didn't know what to think about that. A tug in his hair brought his attention back to what was at hand. Wanting to make up for his wandering thoughts, Harry took more of Draco's cock into his mouth. Wrapping his lips tight around and using his tongue to create the best suction, he began moving up and down. When Draco started rocking his hips into Harry's mouth, Harry instinctually began scraping his teeth along the length. This pleased Draco and he gasped and then growled as he began to push more forcefully between the other's lips. As the thrusting became more brutal Harry used his fingers to start clawing at Draco's thighs, lower back and buttocks. Harry was just beginning to have a hard time breathing when Draco came with a groan. Harry tasted the bitter liquid on his tongue but reveled in its flavor. He swallowed around the blonde's cock, milking every drop and then swallowed it all down, happy in the knowledge that he had brought this about. That he had pleased Draco.

"Like I said, fast learner." Draco pulled out of Harry's mouth with those raggedly breathed words. He stepped around Harry and flopped gracelessly into the chair next to the table. He sat for a moment catching his breath and then began picking through the sweets on the tray at his elbow. Harry stayed where he was on his knees, head down.

"I accept your offering, Potter. I also accept your apology." Draco stopped to pop a small piece of biscuit into his mouth. Chewing slowly he considered the kneeling Gryffindor. "I believe that I am even mollified enough to abide by your bargain. As long as you don't do anything stupid again."

"Yes, Draco. Thank you, Draco."

"Now," Draco rose and went to his armoire, "I believe that I will have you carry my books to my first class. Of course, you'll be late for yours, but you don't mind do you?"

"No, Draco."

Harry watched from his vantage point on the floor as Draco dressed. The blonde was very meticulous with his grooming and his apparel. When he was finally finished he gestured to his bookbag resting by the small desk in the corner. Harry stood up, but then wavered, not knowing if he should crawl to it or not. Draco smirked but again gestured to the bag and Harry walked over and picked it up. He happily followed Draco out into the hall.

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