Chapter Thirty-Six

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When Harry reached the ground floor he could tell by the crowd in the hall that Breakfast had ended and the students were now making their way to class. Harry looked at one of the big Grandfather clocks and noticed through its long whiskers that he would only just make it to Care of Magical Creatures if he ran. No time for a shower or bite to eat. Not even time to grab his bookbag from Draco's room. He was sure that he could look off of Ron's book and Hagrid would give him a bit of slack about it. As Harry started his run down from the castle he wondered if Draco would be coming to class.

"'ow now, 'arry," Hagrid called out as Harry met up with the class as it began its walk to the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest. Harry gave a smile and wave and Hagrid went back to herding the students and warnings of not straying too far away from the group. Harry found his friends and were making his way to them when he was detained by Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson who blocked his way.

"Where's Draco, Potter?" Blaise asked.

"He said he wasn't feeling very well and said he might be along later," Harry lied smoothly before slipping away to his waiting friends.

"Hey, Harry," Ron greeted with a smile. "You alright? Missed you at breakfast and don't tell me why you missed it because I really do not want to know."

"We saved you a bit of muffin and an apple," Hermione said and passed the napkin wrapped items to Harry.

"Thanks. Sorry I'm late. I, um, got held up." The class made a half circle and Hagrid was beginning his lecture. "I'll tell you why in a bit," he whispered.

Hagrid described the proper way to handle and feed the Slepner Grouse and then presented the boxes holding one bird each. Harry, Ron and Hermione got one of the boxes and carefully opened it. Inside was a tiny normal looking brown bird.

"Alright, Ron, hand me the seed," Hermione instructed. Ron passed over the tiny pouch Hagrid had also provided and Hermione began to carefully feed the bird. One had to be careful around the Slepner Grouse, as its feathers were as sharp as glass but were the vital ingredient to many important potions. After the bird had finished its breakfast it began to sing a beautiful song and was soon accompanied by its fellows.

"Pretty," Harry remarked.

"Alright, Harry, while its singing its meal song, tell us what made you late," Hermione said. She and the boys sat down on the ground with the box in the middle of them.

"Hermione, I said I didn't want to know," Ron whined. But Hermione shushed him and looked expectantly at Harry.

"Right, okay, well, last night Draco and I didn't stay in his room," Harry began and realized that this was probably going to make Ron scream. "Instead we, uh, we went to Snape's room."

"What!" Ron screamed. Harry winced and Hermione hit him. They waited until the attention of the rest of the class had turned away before Harry continued.

"Yeah, Draco said that seeing us in the hallway had made him, um, aroused and that he wanted to see it again. Anyway, we uh, went to see him and the door was locked. I mean really locked and warded and hexed. But I opened it."

"Really?" Hermione's eyes glowed. "How, Harry?"

"Wandlessly. I just imagined it was open and it opened. Well, it wasn't that easy but after Draco threatened to walk away after working me up, I just couldn't have that door stay closed."

"Amazing. You performed visualization magic, Harry! That is really hard to do because it doesn't use a spell but the focused thought of the individual. That is simply amazing!" Hermione was flushed in excitement.

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