Chapter Seven

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Wednesday dawned overcast and cold. Students were none to slow in reaching the warmth of the Great Hall and its tables full of hot food and drink. Harry, Ron and Hermione were some of the first ones down. Every rustle caused them to look up to the owl entrance and when the mail finally did arrive Ron had to be restrained from jumping up to get it. A large gray owl carrying a paper wrapped bundle made its way to them and dropped its contents with a loud thump. Many students looked their way but quickly returned to their own mail and meals when they saw Hermione with a book. There was nothing new or interesting in that sight.

Hermione quickly stuffed the books away and promised to transfigure the covers to portray non-restrictive titles. Grabbing a last gulp of tea, she hurried away.

"I always knew there was something inhuman about Malfoy." Ron took a bite of bacon then looked up with bright eyes. "Hey, do you think he'll be after our Natro Lizards?"

Harry gave a half-smile and returned to his waffles. Only occasionally did he cast a worried glance at the Slytherin table which was still devoid of a certain blonde.


"This is really quite fascinating."

Harry sat down at the Gryffindor table and scooted over for Ron to join him. Hermione had beaten them to dinner and was currently reading from a book entitled "The Care and Training of Your Pet Owl".

"What's so interesting about a bird?"

Hermione rolled her eyes and sent an annoyed glance across the table. "I'm not reading about birds, Ron," she hissed quietly. "I am reading one of the books we got today." Ron's cheeks colored in embarrassment.

"Oh, right."

"Tell us about it, Hermione." Harry leaned forward pretending to be eating very close to his plate. Hermione leaned forward as well as if she were reading the book in front of her.

"Well, I haven't gotten far. This is the first time all day I have had a chance to really look at these. But I have discovered that Indago are very rare. So rare that they sometimes don't occur for nearly a century. Also, they look exactly like humans except when they are experiencing high emotions."

"When their high on what?" Hermione gave another glare at Ron.

"On emotions. Ron, if you quit stuffing your face you might be able to hear better." Hermione held her glare as Ron quickly gulped his bite down and sat as still and quiet as he could. Harry decided he better distract her or he may have to sit through another lecture on table etiquette.

"What do they look like when they are worked up about something?" Hermione pursed her lips but quickly returned to her subject.

"Well, the Subicio has no physical changes. But the Supero, who is the more dominant of the species, get these silver steaks on the cheek bones and their pupils slit vertically. Somewhat like a cat's, I imagine."

"Creepy," Ron muttered.

"Snape's watching," Harry whispered and the friends quickly became very busy. Hermione returned to her book and the boys began filling their plates and discussing homework.

"Oh no."

Both boys looked up at Hermione's whispered words of distress from behind her book. But before either of them could ask what was wrong the side entrance doors opened and admitted one Lucius Malfoy.

"What is he doing here?" Seamus asked of no one.

Lucius Malfoy smirked at the room in general and strode confidently to the head table. Both Professor Dumbledore and Snape immediately rose and met him at the edge of the dais on the opposite side from Gryffindors' table. The three men appeared to be in earnest conversation and not one of them looked happy.

"Harry, there's something you should know," Hermione whispered urgently. Harry pulled his suspicious gaze away from the altercation on the other side of the room. Hermione appeared agitated herself and getting more so by the second. "I know why Malfoy called you Subicio. It's not a curse or hypnotism. It's the-"


Harry immediately turned towards the cry along with everyone else in the Great Hall. There stood Malfoy, looking exactly as he had the first night of school. The blonde gave an eerily familiar smirk to the room and then immediately started searching the Gryffindor table with his eyes, ignoring a desperately waving Pansy Parkinson.

"You had no right, Lucius!" Snape's angry voice carried across the hall. Draco locked eyes with Harry, smiled evilly and started towards him.

"Harry," Hermione stood up and faced Draco, "you need to get out of here. Now."

Harry looked up in confusion at his friend who was trying to shield him with her body. At that moment Snape was quickly making his own way to the Gryffindor table on an obvious intercepting course with Draco.

"Draco," he called out sharply. "Do not go any farther. Stop immediately."

Draco came to a halt and grimaced at Snape who had finally reached the younger Malfoy. Snape had his back towards the Gryffindors and Harry could only see Draco's head around the black clad shoulder. Dumbledore and Lucius were also advancing towards the confrontation.

"Let him alone. He has the right to seek him out," Lucius drawled. The man cast a malicious eye at Harry, obviously enjoying the spectacle. Harry became angry at the glee in the older man's eyes and stood up to face him.

"This needs to be discussed at another time," Dumbledore said quietly.

"Harry, you should really go," Hermione said over her shoulder never taking her eyes off Draco.

"Stay," Draco said in an intimidating tone, never taking his eyes off Harry.

"Go, Potter," Snape ordered. Ron stood up in a rush.

"What the bloody hell is going on?" he yelled.

Draco used that momentary distraction to advance towards Harry. Snape was forced back a few steps until he was only a foot away from Hermione. Draco inhaled deeply through his nose.

"Do you smell him, Severus?" Draco asked with his eyes still closed in delight. "I know you can."

Even with his back to him, Harry could still see that Snape's whole body had gone rigid. The back of his neck became red and Harry could sense that the potions teacher was battling inner demons. Dumbledore obviously saw the struggle as well and quickly turned and raised his voice to the Great Hall.

"All students, please return to your dormitories." The other teachers were quick to hasten the students along in a very professional manner and only Harry noticed the concerned glances turned their way.

"Ms. Granger and Mr. Weasley." Dumbledore's face showed strain as he addressed them. "Please accompany Mr. Potter to Gryffindor Tower and stay put until further notice."

Hermione quickly rounded the table and took hold of Harry's arm. After catching a meaningful glance from her, Ron also grabbed one of Harry's arms and they started to lead him away. But Harry really didn't want to go. He knew he should stay here. Stay with Severus and Draco. He began to resist his friends' pull.

"Severus, please instruct Harry to leave." Dumbledore had his hand on his teacher's shoulder. Snape took a deep breath, shuddered, and yelled out without looking at Harry.

"Go to your dorm, Potter. Now."

Harry quickly followed his friends in the mass exodus.

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