Chapter Two

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"Honestly, Ron, where you find the room to shove all that food in I'm sure I don't know."

Ron rubbed his full stomach and grinned. "I can't help it if I happen to like my food. Besides, the welcoming feast always has the best of the best."

"It doesn't mean that you should practice gluttony," Hermione snapped as she set a course for the stairs leading to Gryffindor Tower, but a moment later they both stopped. Harry had been following behind his two taller friends and therefore had not seen what made them come to a standstill.

"Ugh, not four hours into the year and Malfoy's in the lead to be Head Jerk," Ron muttered disgustedly. Harry peered around his friends and saw what they were looking at. Malfoy and his goons had two Hufflepuffs cornered between two stone statues and a staircase. The Hufflepuffs had to be at least sixth years by their size alone. And they appeared to be holding their own against the Slytherins. As the trio made their way closer to the altercation, words could be overheard.

"If you want something to stare at, I can give you my fist to get a good look at."

Harry had been trying to figure out if it had been Crabbe or Goyle who had spoken those words but it suddenly dawned on him that it had been Malfoy himself to issue the threat. And not just any threat, but a physical threat. Harry was stunned and apparently so were his two friends, who had yet to intervene on the other students behalf.

"Your ego is still inflated if you think I would want to look at you at all, Malfoy," said the bigger of the two boys. William was his name, Harry remembered. "I don't know what your problem is, but we were just trying to get to our common room. So, just move and we'll be on our way."

"You'll go when I say you can go," Malfoy sneered and took a step closer into the other boy's face.

"What on earth?" Hermione muttered to her friends. "Malfoy is apparently on some sort of testosterone trip."

"Shut it, Mudblood. I have no problem closing that fat mouth of yours for you." Malfoy kept his eyes trained on the boys in front of him while he uttered that threat. "Why don't you and your boyfriends leave, slag, and I'll deal with you later."

Hermione turned bright red and her mouth opened and closed with no sound coming out. The entire corridor went completely silent and still as everyone reeled in shock. Ron was the first to regain the use of his mouth.

"Who the hell do you think you are, you bastard!" He yelled as he stomped over to the five boys. "How dare you talk to her like that! You don't deserve to lick her shoes you nasty little prat!

Malfoy turned away from his previous prey who quickly slipped out of their corner and Harry finally got a good look at his school nemesis. Malfoy had grown to be at least two inches taller than Ron and was definitely bulkier in the chest and arms. The blonde had already started to develop the previous year but apparently had gotten quite the growth spurt over the summer. His jaw had thickened and his shoulders had broadened considerably. Harry wouldn't have classified him as muscular exactly, but he was definitely not the slim, pointy-faced boy from just two years ago.

"Are you seriously going to defend that whore's honor, Weasel," Malfoy went nose to nose with Ron and spoke with sheer malice. Malice backed up with clear intent. "I doubt you could afford to dirty your name further. It's cheap enough as it is."

"You son of a..." With those growled words Ron forcefully pushed Malfoy. The blonde only went a step back and then came at Ron. Ron hit the floor with a bruise already forming on his cheek. Hermione and Harry both ran into the skirmish; Hermione going down to Ron and Harry standing over him glaring at his friend's attacker.

Just as he was about to start yelling at Malfoy, Harry's anger dissipated as if it had never been. In fact, the very idea that he had been angry with Draco was abhorrent to him and he felt as if he should apologize to him immediately. Before he could decide what exactly he should do, Draco grabbed him and flung him up against the side of the staircase. Harry's feet dangled half a foot off the floor as he stared into Draco's face. Grey eyes were lit by an inner fire as they stared into Harry's. Draco pushed his face closer and then pressed his nose into the collar of Harry's robes. Harry leaned his head to the side to give him more access. Draco pulled back and again made eye contact with green eyes.

"Well, well, Potter," he purred. "Who'd have thought the great Destroyer of Evil would be a sub?" He tightened his grip in Harry's robe front. "Actually you'll be my subicio, won't you, Harry?"

"Yes, Draco," Harry whispered. He would be Draco's if that was what Draco wanted.

"Harry! Get your hands off him, you bastard!"

Ron was back on his feet and was coming after Draco again. Ron grabbed at the arms holding Harry pinned to the wall. The blonde snarled and again Ron was on the ground holding a hand to his twice bruised cheek. Draco turned back toward his captive and smiled. Harry leaned his head back and to the side and Draco immediately pressed his face into Harry's neck again. This time Harry felt the swipe of a tongue before Draco pulled back. His captor appeared pleased at Harry's acquiescence and Harry wanted to please Draco more than anything.

"Draco, my boy, would you be kind enough to allow Harry to return to the ground."

Professor Dumbledore stood no more than six feet away from them. Harry wondered when he had gotten there. Dumbledore appeared as happy and cordial as always. Draco sneered at the Headmaster.

"Potter likes where is, don't you, Harry?"

"Yes, Draco."

"I'm sure that he does, child. But I would be afraid that you may be hurting him."

"What about me?" came from the red head still sprawled on the ground.

Draco looked back at Harry and then returned his arrogant gaze to Dumbledore.

"If I like where he is, and he likes where he is, then why should you interfere?" he asked mockingly.

"Because I am sure you would not wish to hurt Harry too greatly and he may not be in a state of mind in which to tell you that you are damaging him," the Headmaster patiently explained. Draco narrowed his eyes and then released his grip on Harry's robes. Harry dropped to the ground and briefly clung to Draco to regain his balance.

"Now, I believe that Professor Snape would like to talk with you," Dumbledore stated and turned to the large gathering of students who had stopped to watch. "All of you should be in your dorms preparing for the start of term. Off with you." The mob began breaking up and slowly making their way to their respective parts in the castle. Once the crowd had cleared, Dumbledore again turned to look at the participants of the drama.

"Mr. Crabbe, Mr. Goyle, would you please escort Mr. Malfoy to Professor Snape's office." Turning to Ron and Hermione who had regained their feet, he smiled. "And would you two be so kind as to make sure that Mr. Potter is safely tucked into bed with a bit of chocolate?"

"Of course, Professor," Hermione said, pinching Ron when he was about to mention the violence and insults. "Harry?"

Harry saw his two friends waiting for him but he felt that leaving Draco would be a bad idea. At that moment a hand came up to his throat and pushed him into the wall. Grey eyes looked down into his and a feral smile graced the blonde's lips.

"Go with your poor excuses for friends, Harry. I'll get you later." And with those ominous words Draco turned and stalked off in the direction of the dungeons, Crabbe and Goyle following close behind.

Harry watched Draco until he disappeared then turned towards his friends who were staring at him as if he had grown a second head. Then realization hit Harry like a hammer.

"Holy cow! What the hell did I just do?"

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