Chapter Twenty-Six

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Harry got his bath that night. He wasn't particularly happy about it. But then, he wasn't particularly happy about much at the moment. Hermione had gotten in Draco's face and Draco had gotten mad and stormed away. Then had gotten even angrier when he had to come storming back to get Harry who had sat down to control his crying urge. Thankfully no tears were spilt and Draco had not commented. Even when Harry told him to get his dirty hands off of him.

Draco was true to his word and a quarter pound of fudge awaited Harry when he had gotten into Draco's room. Harry had most of it down his gullet before Draco had taken his school robe off. Then Draco had had to strong-arm him into the bathroom, with out any touching, of course, and got him into the bath. So now Harry was sitting in a steaming bath with a murderous glare on his face and a smudge of fudge on his lip.

"Are you staying in there all night?" Draco asked from the doorway.

"Why are you being all patient and stuff?" Harry asked sharply.

"I'm not being patient. I want your ass out of the tub so I can take a shower," Draco said as he crossed his arms and leaned against the doorjamb.

"No, you're not acting like a jerk. Why? And if you say something like not wanting to make me cry I'll kill you!"

"Merlin, would you calm down," Draco huffed. He uncrossed his arms and went to sit on the toilet lid. "I'm acting this way so that you won't get all freaked out, idiot."

"Don't call me names!"

"You probably didn't let that bitch, Granger, explain anything and you have never been one to actually sit calmly and read a book, or even listen to any inner voices. But just so you know, you can do a lot of damage right now, and I really don't want to be on the receiving end of it." Draco ran a hand through his blonde hair.

"What damage?" Harry's face contorted in horror. "Oh no, I knew it. I'm going to go into a blood frenzy, aren't I? Hermione lied so I wouldn't get scared but it's going to happen, isn't it?"

Draco sighed heavily. "No, Potter, you are not going to go into a blood frenzy. You cannot go into a blood frenzy. So settle down." A hand raked through his hair again. "You are just really emotional and because you are an Indago you have a lot of strength behind you that can come out if you're provoked."

"Provoked? You provoke me all the time. Can I rip your head off?"

"You can try," Draco sneered. Then sighed again. "No, you can not rip my head off, you idio-" He bit off his words. "Alright, listen. Because you are in the first stage, you're touchy. And because you are an Indago, you are strong. So, put the two together and you have trouble, got it?" Harry nodded. "So, even though you can't do any major damage to me, I'd still rather not have you try. You could get hurt."

"Why do you care if I get hurt?" Harry asked, slumping back down and pouted. "You're always pulling my hair and shoving me and hitting me."

"I don't hit you!"

"You do so! You hit me the night that you-," Harry stopped and bit his lips. "When you hurt me that first time," he mumbled.

"I didn't-," Draco took another deep breath. "Okay, look, I was... not... very... nice." His words seemed to taste awful as they were drug out. "But you didn't say no, Potter." Water splashed as Harry sat up fast. "Alright, alright!" Draco threw his hands up in a calming gesture. "You couldn't say no, okay, I got it. Relax." Harry threw him a nasty look and sunk back down into the water.

"In any case, I don't want you hurt. Didn't I already prove that?"

"You were just protecting your piece of ass," Harry said nastily.

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