Chapter Nineteen

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Harry sat for at least ten minutes in the hallway by Draco's door. He was struggling to concentrate on his breathing and not on what could possibly happen. Harry really did not want a repeat of last night. It had been horrible. He really hoped that Hermione was right and Draco would start laying off him. Otherwise, Harry didn't know if he could hold to his decision to accept what could not be changed. He was proud of his mature behavior to all of this, staying here to finish schooling, deciding not to fight with himself. But if Draco wanted sex, well, the voice may get its wish to run away.

When he saw yellow hair come bobbing down the corridor, Harry scrambled to his feet and lowered his head. The footsteps came nearer and then stopped.

"Very good, Potter." Draco opened the door and stepped inside. "Get in here."

Harry went through the opening and shut the door. Draco dropped his cloak and gloves on top of the desk chair and began unbuttoning his school robe, which was only half-done from his clothing change in the locker room. Once the robe was taken off he began on the buttons on his school shirt, all the while he kept his eyes on Harry.

"Take your clothes off," he ordered.

The voice was not at all eager to comply but Harry did as instructed. Due to his previous experience he was quick and was undressed before Draco had finished with his shirt. Standing there in nothing, Harry began shivering slightly from the cold. Draco strode over to him in just his trousers and socks. He then lifted Harry's chin so that they faced each other.

"Excellent, Potter. I do believe you have figured this out." He tipped Harry's chin further back. "You may look at me."

Green eyes met silver. Draco's looked into Harry's and seemed to find what he was searching for and nodded. "You may continue to look at me as long as you do not dare to challenge me. If you try to pull what you did earlier, I assure you that you won't want to survive after I am done with you."

"Yes, Draco. Thank you, Draco."

Draco's hand moved from Harry's chin down to his throat. It caressed and then grabbed tight. Harry was pulled forward and Draco placed his nose into Harry's neck.

"I doubt I'll ever get tired of your scent. You probably have no idea how good you smell." Draco's voice was muffled from being pressed up against Harry's throat. Harry felt inordinately happy that he had pleased Draco. He lent his head back and to the side to allow easier access. A growl of approval was heard before nipping bites were felt along his collarbone. Harry carefully raised his hand and ran it down Draco's finely muscled arm. The arm went tight about Harry's waist and brought him forcefully to Draco's body. Their naked chests met and Harry actually enjoyed the contact. But his enjoyment quickly left when Draco began pulling him toward the bed. A violent war broke out between the voice and the desire to please. The voice did not want to go anywhere near the bed and advocated for a quick retreat. When Harry was tossed on the bed, it won out and he scrambled to the far side before the desire to please exerted itself and refused to disobey Draco. In the end, Harry was left trembling at the far end of the bed, hugging his knees to his chest and staring fearfully at the blonde.

"What the hell are you doing?" Draco asked silkily.

Harry shook his head. "I... I can't," he managed to get out. Draco cocked his head to the side, a dangerous look in his eyes.

"You can't what?" he asked slowly. Harry became actually terrified at the menace in the blonde's voice.

"I...I'm afraid," he whispered. The voice was not happy about that admission.

"I know that!" Draco snapped. "But does it look like I care? Come here."

Harry was frozen. Locked between the urge to flee and the desire to beg forgiveness and go to Draco.

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