Chapter Twenty

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It was the knocking that woke Harry the next morning. He looked up blearily at the large bed and saw that Draco was still asleep, but wouldn't be for long if the knocking continued. Quickly getting to his feet and putting on his glasses, Harry went to open the door. He moved with a slight limp caused by his bruised hip. The stone floor made an awful mattress.

The door opened without a sound and Harry was met with the sight of a bushytailed bright-eyed headmaster.

"Good morning, Harry," Dumbledore said in a cheery booming voice. Harry winced and put his finger to his lips in a bid to quiet the professor down. Dumbledore looked toward the bed, noticed the wad of blankets on the floor that had comprised Harry's sleeping arrangement and wisely nodded. He leaned in closer to Harry.

"How are you, Harry?" he asked with concern. Harry shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm okay, Professor."

"Truly, Harry? I know that we are limited in our capacity to help, but I would still like to know how you are. And I am always available to listen." Dumbledore gave Harry a kind smile. Harry nodded his head in understanding and acknowledgement.

"Thank you, sir. But, I'm fine. I think..." Harry thought about how to phrase his thoughts. "I think we're learning how to deal with each other a bit better." Dumbledore placed his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"I'm glad to hear it, my boy. When I had been informed that you had 'thrown in the towel' I must admit I was quite concerned."

"I can't run from myself, sir." Dumbledore smiled brightly and patted Harry's shoulder.

"It takes a wise man to understand and admit that, Harry." He looked toward the bed again. "Now, there is something that we must discuss. I will endeavor to tread carefully for your sake, Harry." He brushed past Harry and came to the foot of the bed. Harry closed the door and stood nervously watching.

"Mr. Malfoy? Would you be kind enough to join us in the waking world?"

Draco grunted and rolled over. He glanced at the empty nest of blankets on the floor and immediately sat up. Catching sight of Harry by the door, he visibly relaxed and then noticed Dumbledore.

"Ugh. It's not a school day. What?" His voice was surly and rough. Dumbledore congenially ignored the rude tone.

"I've come to discuss today's activities. Were you planning on venturing to Hogsmeade this weekend?"

Still standing by the door, Harry started at the mention of the planned outing. He couldn't believe that just five days ago he had made plans to spend Saturday in Hogsmeade with his friends. Now he had to wait and see if Draco would even let him go. The voice was not happy that Dumbledore had gone to Draco about the issue instead of him, but the desire to please was only too happy to go wherever Draco wanted to go.

Draco smirked. "Why? You're not trying to stop me are you?"

"Oh no, dear boy, quite the opposite. I think it would be good for you both to get out for a bit. That is what these trips are all about, you know. No, I was merely going to discuss with you some important points." Dumbledore could not be anymore jolly.

"Yeah?" Draco said insolently. "What makes you think I'd let him go?" Draco said pointing his chin in Harry's direction.

"That is, of course, your decision. But if you do decide, you should know that the press will be waiting for you."

"The press?" Harry said in mounting horror. Dumbledore sent an apologetic look over his shoulder before returning his focus on the now casually reclining young man in bed.

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