Chapter Forty-Five

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Three defeated Gryffindors made their way back up onto the ground floor. After Harry had briefly outlined what had happened with the potion master, he had been treated to a rare sight of Hermione Granger completely without a clue as to what to do next. Which, unfortunately, was not at all welcome.

"It's alright, you guys," Harry said to them as they stopped in a shadowed alcove just to the right of the dungeon stairs, out of the sight of prying eyes. "I'll just go explain to Draco what happened. You know, tell him everything. Then he can't be angry at Hermione-," Harry stopped for a second. "Okay, well, he'll still be angry, but I could explain to him that she was protecting me and that it's okay and so he won't tell his father or call the Aurors."

"Harry, you're mad if you think that sounds like a good plan," Ron said defeatedly.

"Well, it's all we've got, isn't it?" Harry snapped back.

"You could run," Hermione pointed out.

"Where? How? What am I going to do when it's time to, you know..." Harry started to make a gesture towards his abdomen but stopped immediately remembering Snape's words. "When it's time for me to give...birth." He was proud of himself for not wincing when he said it.

"Besides," he continued, "I'm not just going to run away and let you guys take the brunt. If anyone needs to run, it's you, Hermione. I refuse to see you get carted off to Azkaban. Why am I the only one who is worried about this?" he asked in exasperation.

"Because we are more worried about watching you fall like a broken doll down a flight of stairs again." Hermione's voice showed how upset she was. "It was awful, Harry. I heard your bones breaking and the crunch when your head hit the edge of that stair. I saw the blood on the stone and I watched as Draco started after you. I couldn't let him finish what he had started. I will gladly go to Azkaban, happily, if it means I don't have to watch my best friend be ripped to shreds!"

Harry's eyes were wide open in surprise. He understood now why his friends had been so urgent to get him to safety. Had Draco really kept coming after him? Would he have killed if Hermione hadn't done something? Harry stepped forward and wrapped his upset friend in his arms.

"I'm sorry, Hermione," he whispered. "I'm sorry you had to watch that and I'm sorry you had to make a decision like that." Arms tightened about him and then pulled away. Harry let her go.

"There is sure to be some sort of loophole, anyway, Harry," Ron said quietly. "I've heard Charlie talk about how sometimes they have to do unethical things to save the young Dragons or dragon eggs. Sometimes kill another adult to protect the young. I'm sure there has to be something like that in that stupid Act."

Harry nodded. "Yeah, you're right. And all I have to do is say that I asked for help and then they won't touch you," he said to Hermione.

"We had better get you back to Gryffindor tower and start making plans. We could try to get that warning system of yours up, Ron, and then make sure there is always at least three people with you at all times," she said in a businesslike manner.

"Hermione, I don't see how that is going to work. Besides, it will drive me mad," Harry explained.

"Well, too bad, Harry. You have to start thinking about someone other than yourself, now," Hermione said firmly. Harry looked down and then set his gaze on his friends.

With a sigh he said," Yeah, I guess you're right. This is really weird. When I knew that it could happen I never really thought about it actually happening. I mean," Harry looked down at his stomach again. "There's a baby in there, isn't there?" he whispered in awe. "It's just about too much to take in and yet, it seems like it's the most perfect thing that could happen." He looked up at his friends. Hermione was smiling softly and Ron was staring with wonder at Harry's stomach. "Is that weird?" Harry asked.

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