Chapter Thirty-Three

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Harry sat with Draco at the Slytherin table and couldn't stop himself from touching the blonde. Well, he could stop himself but it just felt so good doing it that Harry saw no reason to stop. After all, it was not as if he had been keeping a low profile up until this point. So Harry indulged and kept his hand on Draco's thigh or would rub up against his arm or reach around behind him and drag a hand against the his back. Draco smirked the entire time and never said a word about it.

Again, Harry did not want to be parted from Draco after lunch. His friends had to nearly drag him away. He hated the fact that this was one of the two days that he did not share a class with any of the Slytherins. He was agitated, anxious and cranky during the rest of the day. He didn't even crack a smile when Trelawney predicted that he would be torn apart by wolves by winter's end. Ron muttered something about being a "randy git", but Harry ignored him and watched the seconds tick by on the clock. He was hot, irritable and fidgety and near ran out of the room once the day's classes had ended.

"Harry! Slow down!" Hermione reprimanded. She hitched her bookbag up onto her shoulder and glared at Harry as they made their way to the Great Hall. Harry wanted to skip dinner and go straight to Draco's room. But he was afraid that Draco would want to eat dinner and then Harry would be alone for an even longer time. So instead he was practically skipping beside his friends.

"Boy, it's a good thing Pomfrey took care of you lot or you'd be having a bloody litter in nine months," Ron grumbled.

"Actually, Hermione interjected, "Indago gestation only lasts for seven months. And did you know that Indago infants can eat solid foods at birth? Mashed up, of course, but their stomachs are perfectly able to handle it. Also they can crawl at four months and walk by seven months." Hermione's eyes showed her fascination for the subject. "Extraordinary, but could also just make a baby appear to be gifted. I imagine that was what your family thought, Harry. I bet you were considered a bit cranky because they wouldn't have thought to give you solid food so young and that you were a genius for being so far ahead developmentally."

"Mm hm," Harry said distractedly. He really hoped Draco was in the great Hall.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Well, I think it's fascinating, Hermione," Ron assured with a smile at the young woman.

"Thank you, Ron."

He was here! Harry knew he was here, just down that hallway, waiting for him. Without saying a word, Harry turned down the dark corridor and followed his instincts. So close, he was so close...

"Harry, where are you going?"

Harry sped up a little and suddenly a figure turned a corner and Harry slammed into them. He'd found him! Harry was beyond pleased with himself. Grasping the broad shoulders Harry tilted his head back to let him lick and bite as much as desired.

"Potter," a deep voice growled intensely.

"Oh no! Harry stop! It's Professor Snape!"

Harry distantly heard Hermione's cry but he didn't particularly care. He was enveloped in a Supero's scent and presence. That was all his body required at the moment. Strong hands grasped his upper arms and held him back. But they did not push him away.

"Harry, you need to leave," Snape's voice rasped. Harry looked up into the striking obsidian eyes. His own were bright with need.

"No," Harry whispered. "Need you."

"Harry! It's Snape!" Ron cried in anguish. Harry felt other hands pulling at his robes. Harry turned and forced the offending hands away and then came back to rub his body closer to Severus's. The potions master hands tightened on Harry's arms but still did not push him away.

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