Chapter Eighteen

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Harry made his way slowly up the stairs to Gryffindor Tower. He was still very surprised that after dinner Draco had told him to go away. It turned out that the Slytherins practiced Quidditch at night occasionally to go over secret maneuvers and to strengthen skills without sight. So, Harry was told to return to Draco's room in two hours or else. Actually, Draco had explicitly explained what the 'else' would be if he didn't return, Harry just didn't like to think about it.


"Hi, Neville. What are you doing out here?"

Neville stood up from sitting on the stone step in front of the Gryffindor common room. He brushed the back of his pajamas off and gave an apologetic smile.

"I don't like it when they start yelling when they argue."

Harry's face scrunched in concern. "Who's yelling?"

Neville gave a worried look over his shoulder at the Fat Lady's portrait. "Ron and the rest of them."

"What are they..." Harry sighed. "No wait, let me guess."

"Yeah." Neville shrugged his shoulders. "They've been at it since dinner."

Harry stepped past Neville and spoke the password. The portrait swung open and the noise almost knocked Harry down. He could only distinguish a few distinct voices but the words were lost in the cacophony. Harry felt a hand on his shoulder. Neville gave him a smile.

"There are only a few who are being, well, not nice. But you know I'll always support you, Harry." Harry returned the smile.

"Yeah. Thanks, Neville." Harry stepped into the room.

Almost all of the upper year Gryffindors were gathered in the common room. Some in their night wear, some not. Ron and Hermione were on one side of the room, Seamus and a couple of sixth years were on the other. The rest were evenly distributed around them. Ron and Seamus were yelling at each other only a couple of feet apart. Sam and Duncan, the sixth years on Seamus's side, were also tossing their points of view in at the top of their lungs and Hermione seemed disgusted by the lot of them. A few of the spectators saw Harry come in and he could actually see the news spread through the crowd like an extensive game of telephone. Well, if most of the other students had actually ever seen a telephone that is.

Finally, someone tugged on Hermione's arm and pointed at Harry. Hermione sent Harry a frustrated look before smacking Ron in the arm.

"What, Hermione!"

"Why don't you let Harry defend himself!" Hermione yelled. This seemed to actually breakthrough to the two combatants and they both turned to her. Hermione in turn pointed at Harry. Everyone's head spun to look at Harry and he quickly remembered why he hated being the center of unfavorable attention.

"Oh, did Malfoy let you off your leash?" Ron spun to attack Seamus but Harry interceded.

"It's okay, Ron." Harry turned to Seamus and took a few steps into the room. "Seamus, you've been wrong about me before. Why should I care what you think?" Harry spoke confidently, repeating what Draco had said not an hour ago.

"You should care about the spectacle you've made of yourself," Lavender Brown's voice came from the other side of the couch. "You're embarrassing all of Gryffindor. I mean, honestly, doing what you did. In front of everyone!"

"No, I didn't do anything in front of anyone. You and the rest of the school are such nosy gossip mongers that you had to chase after me and see what was going on." Harry started to get angry. "I was running for my life and you were just trying to be the first ones to the news!"

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