Chapter Thirteen

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"Hermione, Ron! Thank Merlin you're here!"

Hermione looked up at the crowd of Gryffindors swarmed around the entrance to the common room. She and Ron had just come back from an awful meeting with Dumbledore. The headmaster had been sad at the news of Harry's defeated submission to Draco, but had not been unable to do or say anything to stop it. He assured them that he was still trying to untie his and the school's hands when it came to the law but was still unsuccessful. The worst part was that Dumbledore himself had written that law into existence and he had not left any loopholes. Hermione and Ron had returned to their tower in silent grieving for their lost friend.

"Harry's back!" Neville continued. He was standing in his pajamas and robe like many of the other students. "He doesn't look so good but he's back and we have watchers outside waiting to warn us if Malfoy's coming."

"Where?" Ron grabbed Neville's arms in his urgency. "Where's Harry?"

"He's up in our room. He didn't lock it or anything but we still thought we'd better wait for you guys."

Hermione and Ron nearly tripped over themselves as they rushed up the stairs and to the boys' room. Throwing the door open they scanned the interior until they found Harry lying on his side on his bed. They cautiously approached. They saw that Harry looked worse then when they had last seen him an hour ago. His robe and shirt were still torn down the front but now his eyes were red, the top of his nose was forming a bruise and they could just make out the edge of a red and bruised mark on his throat.

"Harry?" Hermione's voice was quiet as she gingerly sat beside him on the bed. "Are you okay?" She watched as Ron sat down on the edge of his bed across from Harry's. Harry's eyes, which had been staring at nothing when they came in, now looked in their direction.

"You were right. I should have listened to you," he said calmly.

Ron placed his elbows on his knees as he leaned forward and spoke gently. "You alright, mate?"

"I thought it would be better that way. I thought that I could save everyone a lot of trouble and grief if I finally just stopped fighting. I'm so tired of fighting." Harry closed his eyes and sighed. "I thought I could take it, whatever he threw at me, I could take it. I've always been able to before. But the pheromone high didn't last. It didn't work like it was supposed to. It was supposed to stop me from thinking and feeling anything bad. But I did feel bad, I felt it all..." His voice trailed off. Hermione exchanged an anxiously worried look with Ron, and then placed her hand gently on Harry's knee. Harry jerked and gasped. Hermione quickly pulled her hand away.

"Oh, Harry, what did he do to you?" she whispered.

"Sorry. My knee is sore where he kicked me. It's not too bad, it just hurts when touched."

"He kicked you?" Ron asked outraged. Harry chuckled.

"Yeah. But it's really not that bad."

"May I see it, Harry?" Hermione asked. "I could check it and see if you need to go to Madame Pomfrey."


"I promise I'll be as gentle as possible."

"I know. It's just..." Harry took another deep breath. "It's just I really don't want to take any clothes off right now."

Hermione swallowed and closed her eyes in pain. Ron's jaw tightened and his hands fisted. Biting her lips, Hermione opened her eyes and schooled her features into a calm façade.

"Harry, did he rape you?" she asked plainly.


Hermione shot Harry's face a hopeful look. His eyes were still closed when he continued. "It's not as if I tried to stop him."

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