Chapter Forty-Nine

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"Mr. Potter?"

Harry looked up from his textbook and saw Professor McGonagall looking expectantly at him from the doorway of charms class.

"Follow me, please," she said. Harry gave his two friends a shrug and got up and followed the older witch.

McGonagall led him to the Headmaster's office without a word, but Harry could tell something had riled the normally unflappable lady.

"Ah, Harry! So good to see you, my boy," Dumbledore enthused as he rose from his chair. Harry was ushered forward but then stopped dead. He had to be imagining things. This couldn't possibly be true.

"Quit staring, boy! Is that the kind of manners they teach you here?"

Harry swallowed and tried wiping away the look of utter shock on his face. "Uh, no, Uncle Vernon."

For there indeed was his Uncle Vernon, standing near the fireplace as far away from Fawlks, the moving portraits and the smirking sorting hat as he could get. Next to him, her face pinched more severe than he had ever seen it, was Aunt Petunia and wrapped in her arms, well, as much as she could get her arms around, was Dudley.

"Harry, your family has requested a moment alone with you," the Headmaster said, smiling congenially. "Perhaps you can tempt them with a bit of tea or sweets?"

"I've already told you. We are not taking anything away from here. We've just come to speak to the boy and then we will leave this place behind." Vernon's face was becoming redder by the second.

"Very well. Harry we shall be right outside as per the request of privacy." Dumbledore patted his shoulder and accompanied Professor McGonagall out.

Harry watched the Dursleys as they seemed to be gearing themselves up for something. Uncle Vernon kept clearing his throat in an ostentatious way, Aunt Petunia kept putting her hand to her throat and stretching her neck, and Dudley wouldn't look up from the floor.

"You wanted to talk with me?" Harry prompted. Uncle Vernon glared at him for being rushed but finally ushered his family towards Harry. When they were about two meters away all three of them went down on their knees. Uncle Vernon did a lot of groaning as he did so. Harry took a step back in sheer and utter shock.

"Get your jollies out of this now, boy!" Vernon said nastily. Then he took a deep breath and in a ceremonial voice said, "I and my family do hereby apologize for the mistreatment we gave you while living in our home." Uncle Vernon then sneered and, with the help of his family, rose to his feet. "Now, I hope you will run back and tell the bastard you have working for you that we have done our part and that he can now take our home out of hock and allow me to resume my job."

"And to clear up those dirty lies they're spreading about me at school!" Dudley chimed in.

"And at the Ladies Home Club!" Aunt Petunia added.

Harry stood there dumbstruck. What on earth had caused this? Never in his life had he ever believed the Dursleys would ever get on... their...knees... Harry blinked as a memory came back to him. Draco! Draco must have arranged this! He had promised that the Dursleys would kneel and they had! Harry smiled blindly, which sent Uncle Vernon into a swearing fit.

"I'll tell him!" Harry cried out as he rushed out of the room.

"Mr. Potter, where are you running to?" McGonagall asked as he ran past them. He was half way down the spiral staircase before he turned and grinned.

"I have to go thank someone!" Harry then rushed down the final stairs and made a beeline for Draco's room. He had barely skidded to a stop before he was banging on the door. He stood there out of breath as he waited for the door to open. After a few moments he again knocked on the door. Still no answer. Oh, wait, everyone was still in classes right now. Harry slapped himself in the forehead and laughed. Draco would be in History of Magic right now. Realizing he would have to wait to speak to the blonde Harry happily made his way back to Charms.

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