Chapter Fifteen

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The rest of the day went by smoothly. Harry had been late to class, but it was fortunately Charms and Flitwick was never strict. At lunch, Harry saw Draco welcomed by the Slytherins as he returned to eat in the Great Hall. Draco looked over at the Gryffindor table and Harry made sure to lower his head in submission. It was a small thing and was worth it to not be singled out and possibly made to sit with the Slytherins.

After Transfiguration, Harry and his friends were headed outside for Hagrid's class. It would be the first class that he and Draco would share after this whole thing started at the beginning of term. Harry hoped that Draco held to his side of the bargain.

"Hey, Harry."

Harry had just exited the school when he turned toward the voice and saw Jack Sloper jogging up beside him. Jack stopped and gave a grin to Ron who returned it. Jack had a wide upper body, which made him a good beater for the Gryffindor team, and he liked to show that off as much as possible.

"Hi, Jack," Harry said.

"I was wondering," Jack began, "are you still going to be on the team this year? What with Malfoy and all."

Harry's brow furrowed in concern. "Well, I haven't really thought of it. I mean, I never thought that I wouldn't be on the team. Why? Do you guys not want me on the team anymore?" Harry asked concerned. Jack immediately waved it away with a laugh.

"Oh no, Harry! We wouldn't want that. We just didn't want to just assume. You seem to a have a lot on your plate. Again." Harry grimaced good-naturedly. "I'm glad you're going to stay on. It'd be a shame to not have a winning last year." Jack hugged Harry and slapped him on the back. Harry had been prepared for it due to Jack's notorious penchant for hugs. Ron thought that his mother had breast-fed too long.

"Um, Harry," Hermione was tugging on his sleeve. Harry tried to look over Jack's shoulder at her but before he had the chance, a strong wave of fear swept through him and he started to shove at the other Gryffindor's embrace. He had to get away from him. Jack started to let go with a frown when all of a sudden he was gone. Just gone. And in his place stood an enraged Indago dominant, thin silver streaks splashed across his cheeks.

Harry wanted to go down on the ground and lay as flat as possible, but the idea that his friends and classmates would freak out at that made him keep to his feet, but just barely. He did lower his eyes and show with every fiber of his being that he was completely submissive to Draco. But Draco was angry and Harry was battling his fear.

"I believe you were doing something incredibly stupid, Potter," Draco hissed. "You know what that means. I no longer accept your apology and I no longer bow to your asinine requests."

"I'm sorry, Draco," Harry whispered. On the periphery of his vision he could see his friends had backed up away from the altercation and were making sure to not make eye contact with Malfoy. Although Hermione was having to hold Ron back with a hand on his arm. Further away, a few of his housemates were helping a stunned Jack get up off of the ground where he had been flung. "I did not mean to do anything that you would not like."

"Oh? Did you assume that I would like seeing a dirty Gryffindor mudblood rubbing all over my sub?" Draco's voice was seething. "I can smell him all over you. In fact I can barely detect my own scent on you at all." Draco grabbed Harry by the hair and pulled his face up to his, but Harry kept his eyes down.

"I'm sorry, Draco. I didn't mean to cover your scent."

"Your apology is disgraceful." His hand tightened in Harry's hair making the smaller boy wince. "Do it properly." Harry again felt the need to go to the ground. Draco wanted a real apology; it would make him not angry anymore. And Harry really wanted Draco to not be angry anymore. Harry knew that Draco would only accept the kind of apology that Harry had given this morning by rubbing his cheek against Draco's thigh. But the voice was loudly insisting that doing that would embarrass him in front of the school and his friends would be so sad to see him like that.

"I...I can't, Draco."

"What did you say?" Draco asked dangerously.

"I can't. would be," Harry gulped. "It would be embarrassing and I can't."

Draco began to pull Harry down, bending his spine backwards. "I do not care. You will do it now."

"No." Harry raised his gaze to Draco's. The blonde's eyes widened in shock and then narrowed in fury. Harry really wanted to beg for forgiveness but the voice wouldn't let him.

"Are you challenging me, Potter?" Draco asked with malice. "Are you trying to challenge me?"

Harry lowered his eyes. "No, Draco," he said quickly. "Please don't make me do it. Not here."

"Oh, you'll do it right here in front of all of them. Apparently, you and they both need to be taught who you obey and who alone touches you."

"Please Draco..." Harry begged.

"I could make you do worse. I am being quite generous, actually." Draco's voice had lightened for just a moment and then it darkened. "But, I could make you do much worse. Or should I say, I could do much worse. Perhaps I should fuck you on your hands and knees right here. I believe that would be a much stronger message don't you?" Hermione gasped. Harry was thankful that she and Ron were the only ones close enough to hear what was going on.

"No, Draco. Please."

"Do it. Now." Harry couldn't hold out against the urge to please Draco any longer. The blonde's anger was beating at him in waves and his knees began to buckle.

A loud explosion was heard and a flash of bright light went off just behind Draco. Harry hit the floor as the hands supporting him pulled away. Draco had spun to see what the explosion had been. Harry felt new hands pulling at him and before he knew what was happening, he was being jerked to his feet.

"Run, Harry," Ron yelled over the commotion and pushed him ahead back into the castle. Harry spared a glance for Hermione and saw that her wand was out and it had been she who had created the diversion. Then he was running with Ron just ahead of him. Ron was creating a path through the crowd that had gathered and then through the congested hall full of students going to their next class.

"Move out of the way!"

Bodies jumped out of the way and soon the corridor was lined with students making a path for the two to run down. Their surprised faces were a blur as Harry passed them.

"He's coming!" Hermione's yelled in warning and it gave both boy's a burst of speed. Until an enterprising young Slytherin decided to earn ranking points and stuck her foot out. Ron went down in a spectacular fall. Harry skidded to a stop.

"No! Run, Harry. Get out of here!" Harry caught a glimpse of yellow hair down the hall and he leapt to a run once again. He knew he was faster than Draco, his body being built for it. But he also knew that Draco had more stamina and could run him down like a hound did a fox. Harry's strength lied in maneuverability. Evidently it was what had always made him a great Seeker. Seeing a narrow hallway coming up Harry made for it and turned down it with a flawless change of direction. He never saw the wall until he slammed into it.

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