Chapter Thirty-One

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Harry finished his day of classes with little fan fare. The rest of the student body seemed to be wary of him but his ludicrous outburst seemed to have shown most of them how silly they had been behaving. He actually got a few smiles and a couple of, "Good one, Harry". As for his best friends, they had successfully avoided him. Harry felt awful about the way he had reacted and treated them. As everyone was going into dinner he caught up to them and held out the bag that Snape had given him. Ron and Hermione both eyed it and him suspiciously. Harry unwrapped it, pulled out a Chocoball, held it up dramatically and placed it in his mouth.

"There. Now, will you talk to me?" Harry asked after swallowing the treat down.

Hermione sighed. "Yes, of course, Harry."

"We just didn't want to upset you anymore, mate," Ron added. Harry smiled.

"Thanks. And, I'm sorry. I'm going to have to have those words tattooed on my forehead, I imagine," he joked.

Both his friends smiled. "Well, I suppose if you have an emergency stash of sweets, you should be less volatile. Will you be sitting with us?" Hermione asked.

"If that's alright?" Harry made an X on his chest. "I promise not to throw food, kick or bite anyone." Ron and Hermione laughed.

"Alright, then drama queen, you may sit with us," Hermione said through her laughter. Harry smiled big and they walked in to the Great Hall together. The Gryffindors gave him a tepid welcome but at least there was no scooting away from him or fearful looks.

After their plates were half eaten Harry decided to bring up something that had greatly bothered him all day.

"I saw Professor Lupin today," he said. His friends looked up in surprise.

"You did?"


"Yeah," Harry sighed. "But it didn't go well. As soon as I gave him a hug, I got this overwhelming feeling to run and get away from him. Like he was bad, or something. Then Draco and Snape were there and started snarling and telling him to go. Remus said that he would try and visit again in a few months, but Draco was not happy with that idea. I don't think Snape was either but that's nothing new." Harry looked at Hermione specifically. "Why would I think Remus was bad?"

"That's fascinating, Harry," she said, the light of academia in her eyes. "I just read yesterday morning that Indago and werewolves are natural enemies. It started with the Dagodines, of course, but it is just as true for Indago now. They were competitors in the wild."

"So, I can never see Remus again?" Harry asked in horror. He anxiously reached for his bundle of sweets.

"Well, not necessarily. If it were the full moon, then I would stay away, of course. But at other times it shouldn't be too horrible. You'd just have to ignore those instincts. I imagine that Professor Lupin knew you were not able to handle that right now though and that was why he suggested in a few months."

"Why can't he handle it now?" Ron asked.

"Because of the newness of it all, I imagine," Hermione answered. Harry nodded. That did make sense and it gave him hope that he would still be able to see and speak to his friend.

Suddenly Harry was burning up. He began pulling at the collar of his robes.

"Harry, you alright?" Ron asked worriedly.

"I'm hot!" Harry kept working at the button of his robes until they were completely undone. Hermione offered him a glass of water, which he drank down in three gulps.

"Have a bit of the candy," Hermione urged. Harry fumbled for his bundle of sweets. He tugged too hard and the bag exploded open, spraying candy all around. Harry thought he'd cry he was so frustrated.

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