Chapter Thirty-Four

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Draco tested the door handle and found it locked, as expected.

"Draco," Harry murmured plaintively as he pressed up against Draco's back. "Please."

"I'm getting there," Draco assured as he pulled out his wand and tried a few unlocking spells but the door remained secured. Harry again rubbed up against the blonde's back and Draco's eyes lit with insight. He pivoted to face Harry.

"Look, Harry, we need to get inside," Draco began.

"Then knock," Harry suggested as he rubbed his hands up Draco's arms. Draco pulled them back down and forced Harry to pay attention.

"That won't work. He won't let us in. But you can." Draco pulled Harry to stand in front of the oak door. With his hands on the anxious Gyffindor's arms, Draco began to murmur in Harry's ear. "Open the door, Harry. Don't shake your head no. You can do this. Now, think of that door opening and letting us go through."

"Draco, what is this going to do?" Harry began to push back into Draco, rubbing and tilting his head back to allow access. He was suddenly rudely shaken.

"Focus!" Draco said harshly. Then he gentled his tone. "Alright, you remember when I moved the ground, yeah? Well, you can do some pretty wicked magic yourself. All you have to do is open that door. You don't need your wand. Just think about the door opening. See it opening and us walking into the room." Harry began pushing back into Draco again. "You want that don't you?" Draco asked seductively. Harry nodded distractedly. "You want me inside you, right?" Another nod. "Then open that door, Harry and I will be."

Harry had no idea what Draco was on about but he was willing to do anything to have the blonde fulfill his promise. He concentrated on the door and suddenly the desire to please popped up and wanted to obey Draco's wishes. Harry visualized the door unlocking, that all wards and charms and hexes were nullified and that he and Draco were happily passing through the entryway.

Nothing happened.

"Draco," Harry whined," I can't. Let's just..." He again attempted to push back on what he wanted. But Draco shoved Harry away from him.

"Fine. If you won't do it, then you'll have to sleep alone." Draco made to walk away. "May as well sleep in Gryffindor Tower because you will not be anywhere near me."

"No, Draco! Please!" Harry reached out to grab hold of the blonde but Draco forced his hand away.

"You've made your choice, Potter," Draco said nastily. "Now deal with it."

Harry was inconsolable, believing that Draco was abandoning him. Leaving him when Harry needed him desperately. He had to obey Draco's request. He had to! Harry turned back to the door and thought of it as open. He needed that door open and free of any restraints. Draco's footsteps rang loudly in Harry's ears and he redoubled his efforts frantically. He had to open that door. He couldn't disappoint Draco because then Draco would leave and he needed Draco. The door had to be open. Now. It had to open now!

A slam was heard and Harry opened his eyes. He could see clearly into the potion master's dark chamber. Harry quickly spun around to find Draco and was greeted by a smirk and arms catching him before he ran into the blonde.

"Very good, Harry," Draco murmured. "I knew you could do it. You just needed the proper incentive." Harry was spun back around and the two young men entered the shadowy room.

It was quite a nice room, really, Harry thought in some part of his brain. Very well decorated in maroons and grays. Expensive looking furniture were scattered about and through an open door Harry could see a huge bed. Harry wanted to get closer to that bed.

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