Chapter 58

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Bruno spun around in the rolling chair near the piano with a pen in his mouth. "I have absolutely nothing to say right now..." he said putting the pen down near a piece of papers writing the word Nothing on the paper showing Ari.

"Oh come on. There's something that you can write about...even if it ends up being shit." He told Bruno.

"No. Things are fine with me and it's just normal..." he said starting to hum something. "Nornal. But it never lasts." He grabbed the pen starting to write something on another blank piece of notebook paper.

"Oh, see Brunz is a genius!" Ari laughed at him seeing Phil reach over for the paper.

"Yeah...and then you add this here..." he said taking his pen writing a note off to the side. "And then it would sound like this...":

They continued to work on the song thinking that the song that started with Bruno complaining that things were just normal with Lauren could be on his second album. They finished the song close to 9 in the evening deciding to finish for the evening since Phil had said that he was going to help Urbana that evening and Ari was going to go over to his sister's house that evening. Bruno grabbed his phone texting Lauren, who he knew would be at home.

What are you doing?

Waiting for you to come home.

I'm on my way. Do you want anything?


You name it.

Just come home already. Jeez.

Love you.

About an hour later Bruno opened the door leaning toward the living room to see Lauren laying on the floor with different things for work on the floor. "I'm done with are you..." he said sitting down picking up some of the things she was working on.

"No! Wait....wait!" she exclaimed grabbing the cut out piece of paper from him. "Wait....I just need to see...." She told him not pleased with his playfulness. She took the papers from him rearranging things.

"Fine. I'll come back whenever you're done." He sighed walking into the kitchen to get something to eat. She didn't answer him continuing to work. He sat down at the kitchen table grabbing her laptop to check his e-mail and tweet something random and ridiculous to get his fans are worked up. As he pressed send he saw her walking behind him. He ignored her to see what she would do.

"I see you ignoring me." She smirked behind him taking a banana and bottle of water walking back toward the living room. "Too bad you don't want to know what I wanted when you were gone." She said mysteriously.

"What?" he asked now intrigued by what she was saying.

"Nothing." She told him with the same smirk.

"Laureennn!" he whined standing up knowing that they were playing a game now.

She raised her eyebrow at him. "Come and get me." She said suddenly running out the door toward the pool ripping off her shirt and dropping her shorts on the side of the pool jumping in forgetting that it was the middle of January and that the water and air outside was colder than usual. "Oh my god!" she yelled seeing him laughing at her. "Get in here! It's cold! Save me!" she yelled trying to decide if she was going to laugh or cry from being so cold. "Bruno!" she said seeing him standing there in a sweater, jeans and no shoes. He shook his head starting to walk away.

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