Chapter 5

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Omar's POV:

A tight grip on my arm made me stop and look behind me. I completely turned around when I saw Zara's pale face and panic state. I didn't understand the reason until a young woman hurriedly crossed both of us and towards a little girl probably her daughter who was running to the luggage belt.

"Zara! How many times do I have to tell you dear do not leave my hand!" 

Now that woman was talking to her little daughter and I focused my eyes on my Zara.

My Zara???

She was also looking at them more like staring at them. Her skin colour was still as pale as it was few moments ago and her grip on my arm was as tight as before. It took me seconds to understand her state of mind. Last night incident in the parking lot left me with so many questions that I need answers for but I refrained myself witnessing the fact that Zara was more shocked. She still has a mark on her face and for the first time in these weeks of our marriage I feel pity for her. If I had suffered disgrace and humiliation, she was also going through mental pressure. Now I know better, we both were in the same boat.

"Zara!" I called her name softly while releasing my arm from her grip.
"Let's go! Come on!" I put my hand on her shoulder. She looked at me but immediately lowered her gaze. I knew she didn't want to face me but I motioned her infront of me and started walking behind her.

Zara's pov

With shaking hands I gripped the mineral water bottle that Omar handed me. My entire body was trembling and I knew I was close to hyperventilation. I looked up gratefully at the tall figure infront of me and gulped the cold water. We were sitting in the waiting lounge now, awaiting the announcement of our flight but boarding that plane was the last thing on either of our minds.

Omar sat down next to me, moving rather awkwardly to create enough space between us. I could tell from his body language that there were a million things running through his head. If it'd been someone else I'd just have asked them to spit it out but with Omar I felt I'd have to maintain a certain decorum and that I could never step out of line. I'd always seen him as the guy who'd marry my elder sister and I'd never gotten rid of the shyness and awkwardness I felt around him.

"Laiba.... the one you met last night." I feel my voice distant.

"The one I saved you from." He said looking at me in a way like he was pointing out her action. I gulped at his mentioning.

"Sawera had been dating her brother Bilal." I informed him without making an eye contact.

"She was with someone when we..... got engaged?" He was shocked, his voice so low.

I silently nodded my head and gulped hard. Here it was the time to tell him everything. I wondered if that made him hate me more.

"Has she ran away with him....?"

I shook my head, "She didn't tell him, that she was marrying you. But she stopped seeing him when you two were announce engaged." I said in a small voice, hating to admit what she'd done.

"Sawera was avenging his sister by pretending that she was involved with Bilal. Bilal is Laiba's elder brother, and her weakest point. I used to be friends with Laiba in my first year of medical. I invited her on my birthday and that's when Sawera being her feisty self got into a fight with her over some stupid designer bag. Laiba is not less than Sawera so she retorted back and pretty much insulted her. That's when she decided to avenge her by using her brother." I looked up to see Omar. He was sitting in the same position, his head in his hands. I took that as a hint and continued.

"She didn't cheat on you. You and I both know that She loves to play games irrespective of the consequences. That was her plan. To wrap Bilal around her little finger, use him for her game and left him. Seeing her brother's broken heart, I don't know what kind of pain and humiliation Sawera wanted her to feel. She played him for two years. And I in a result, bare Laiba's hatered as being in the same class. In the end.... Sawera gets what she wanted." I sighed, feeling little bit relieved after telling him the truth.

He heaved a frustrated sigh and looked in my direction.
"In how many ways she's going to cause humiliation for me?" He asked with gritted teeth as understanding dawned upon him and I groaned. "I'm sorry for the trouble back there." I muttered. His anger was much justified.

"Is that why you didn't recieve calls from your friends? You do not want them to know the truth?"

Why did he want to find out all about me all of a sudden. I was beginning to think that it was better when he treated me like I didn't exist.

"Where did that come from?" I asked in bewilderment.

"Zara...." Omar groaned, gripping his forehead,  and let his head fall to his knees. I know what he meant, but I was far from being normal.

"I'm sorry I didn't know that there was a proper way to let your best friends and class mates know that you married your sister's fiancé. " I said, my tone straight more than I would've want it to be.

The Omar I knew would have given me an equally bitter answer but somehow he remained quiet and I was grateful for that. My head wasn't in the right place and I didn't want to say or do something I'll regret. Things were bad enough with Omar and I didn't want to do anything to furthur deteriorate that.

"What else was she upto before getting engaged?" He asked after a while and I decided it was no use to hide it.

"I don't know. I'm not sure." I let out a bitter laugh.

Next to me Omar sighed and at the same time an announcement was made, signaling that the plane was ready for boarding. I quickly grabbed my stuff and headed to join the line that was already starting to form. I couldn't believe the conversation that we'd been having. I was discussing my life with the guy I was married to, that couldn't be normal.

I excused myself to use the washroom before getting on the plane. Omar just nodded and went to the airport duty free shop. As I came out of the washroom, I saw Omar talking on his phone outside the shop at a distance. I took out my documents from my hand bag which I roughly put in it, my hands fumbling with all the various pieces of papers until they fell on the ground. The guy standing near the counter helped me picked them up before I could even get down and as he handed them to me, squeezed my hand and gave me grin. Immediately, I pulled back from him, the look in his eyes was disgusting.

The guy didn't take my moving as a sign that he creeped me out, instead he moved little  closer to me and I jerked aside, tripping over someone else's luggage, causing myself and  all my documents fell again on the floor. Damn my clumsiness.

The loud bang made me look up  and I turned to see Omar throwing a punch at the man on his face. Omar grabbed him from the collar and pushed him hard. My eyes widened as I took in the scene before me.

"Don't you ever dare do that to anyone." Omar growled at him and the man on the floor nodded furiously, looking scared. I rushed to Omar's side and he immediately directed his attention towards me, "Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded not looking at his face but my scratched palms. Security had arrived by then and were picking the man from the floor.

I gingerly took hold of Omar's hand, "you didn't need to do that." I whispered afraid to look into his eyes which I knew for a fact were focused on me. He gripped my hands in his and walked back to the boarding line.

"My job is to protect you Zara... whether you like it or not."

Even though we were still two people who were forced to be in a relationship and we were still struggling with ourselves but it was third time in a row when he proved to be my strength, saving me from the mess he was also a part of... just like me.

Thank you guys so much for appreciation and kind words. It really means alot to me. ❤👧

Now in this chapter, little more hint on Sawera's character as of how she was irresponsible of her actions. More details in upcoming chapters!

What do you guys think of Zara and Omar together..?? well please vote and comment. 

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