Chapter 20

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Omar's POV:

I looked at her smiling at me as she entered the room. In two big steps I covered the distance between us and engulfed her in a tight hug, totally ignoring Nofel's presence. My skin came in contact with hers and I felt as light as a feather. She pulled away immediately as I heard Nofel clearing his throat. That rascal!
I relished the warmth of her skin that I just experienced for few seconds. I didn't let go of her completely and spread my arms around her shoulders, keeping her close to me.

"How're you Nofel? What're you doing here?" She asked in a straight tone.

I glared at Nofel only to warn him not to spill anything.

"I'm good, thanks Zara. I came for a meeting." He said smiling. "Business meeting."

Zara nodded, three of us were standing there in awkward silence.

"Come, let's order some lunch." I said clearing my throat.

"I think I should go now... you guys enjoy." Nofel exited the room, closing the door behind us.

"So..... pasta or chinese?" I asked settling myself beside Zara on the couch. I looked at her, trying to read her face.

"Anything you like." She said with her usual smile but felt like something was off. I was trying to figure out if she had heard my outburst few minutes ago but there wasn't any trace of anything on her face except she looked tired and pale. Her normal pinkish complexion was faded. But I guess I knew how to make her blush.

My mind had satisfied me that she'd not heard anything and everything was normal but my heart...... it was filled with strange darkness and I wasn't able to figure it out. This gloomy feeling in my heart doesn't seem to go away even after seeing her smiling at me. My own words were stabbing in my heart causing this pinching pain.

"There's this amazing café nearby, they serve the best pasta. Shall we go over there or make them deliver here?" I asked her to choose. She seemed to be busy looking the view outside from the glass window. I placed my hand on her thigh leaning closer.

"Zara? You okay?"

"Yeah... yeah.. I'm good. It's just... this view outside.. it looks great from here." She smiled and added.

"I think we should go there for lunch...."

"Okay boss.Whatever you say." I smiled and kissed her forhead.

"One more thing Zara.. before we go, I want you to know something...." I paused. It was the right time to tell her about the transference of shares.

Holding her hand in mine, I walked her to my desk and give her the file after taking it out from the drawers. She gave me a distant  look.

I started telling her all the details about the shares and what has written in these papers. I also told her that why her father didn't want to give it to her directly. She was listening with a blank face. There wasn't any trace of hurt or anger.

"I think Papa was right... I know nothing about all this. It's better you keep this." She said taking a deep breath.

"No Zara. It's yours. Even if I said yes to our dads, that doesn't mean I will do it."

"But what am I going to do with this... I mean I....."

"I'll help you... we'll figure this out. Infact I have a plan." I smiled as an idea strike my mind. I encircled her in a hug from behind, her back was pressed into my chest as I placed my chin on her shoulder.

"I will arrange our meeting with my lawyer and discuss every possible scenario. Till then you just have to choose between your passion.... or your degree." I inhaled in her sweet scent. Not to mention, it was instigating my desire for her.

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