Chapter 14

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Zara's POV:

"Okay take care mamma, Allah Hafiz!" I disconnected the line feeling quite relieved. I didn't tell them about Sawera till now but now that she's doing fine and doctors had assured me that she'd be out of her induced coma in few hours I decided to call my parents and informed them about her. Their reaction was expected. Panicked and concerned. They were parents after all, how could they stay mad at their daughter for so long especially when she's going through so much. I hid the fact that she tried to commit suicide, now was not the time to tell them the truth.

I sighed in relief and rest my back on the pillows half laid on the bed, closing my eyes. Almost after three days I got a chance to sprawl so comfortably. I was in Omar's room which he rented out in this lavish resthouse with beautiful view outside window. This resthouse was the nearest from the hospital almost twenty minutes away. It was four in the morning and we arrived here almost three hours ago. I got so tired and frustrated that this time I didn't refuse Omar's offer to come with him and have a little rest. Since Nofel was there with Sawera and had no difficulty in staying there, I came in here and found myself already sleepy.

The door opened and I immediately opened my eyes just to see Omar with some files in his hands.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." He smiled apologetically.

"It's alright. I was up half an hour ago. Where were you?" I asked, my voice still rasp from the sleep.

"In the reader's hall. Had to do some work." He said massaging his temples.

"You could do your work in here you know. It's pretty cold outside."
I said sitting straight and criss cross my legs on the bed. He came to sit beside me leaving no gap, my knees touching his sides.

"I didn't wana disturb you. You were sleeping like a baby you know." He said looking me in the eyes. His' were shinning like a star.

"Did you talk to your parents?" He asked not breaking the eye contact. I lowered my gaze it was hard to look into his eyes when they're telling their own story.

"Yup! They'll take the first available flight to Karachi. Probably it would take two days till then Sawera will be allowed to leave the hospital." I said in a low voice.

"But.... I didn't tell them that she's married to Nofel." I looked at him expectantly.

"Hmm! They will know eventually." He said without making an eye contact.

"Did Nofel tell you.... I mean... why did she leave the house without informing him?" He still wasn't looking at me.

"Not exactly. He told me that they've been having arguments over his second marriage but nothing as serious that made her do what she did." I was trying to see any trace of emotion on his face but there was none.

"What kind of arguments?" His brows were furrowed.

"I have no idea. That was all he told me." I replied quitely.

"Why didn't you ask?" He looked in my eyes for a second and then averted his gaze.

I wanted to ask why did he care, why did he want to know... but I couldn't. I was unable to read his face and it was killing me with curiosity.

"Are you hurt?.... for her?" I willed myself to ask.

He chuckled lightly, "why do you care so much Zara? You know this is one of the things I love about you." He said while tucking a loose strand of my hair behind the ear, his tone soft. A blush formed on my face at this gesture from him.

"You think you can change the topic?!" I said with a light smile.

"What's the topic anyway?" He sighed and laid on his back. He massaged his temples again, his eyes closed.

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