Chapter 11

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Zara's POV:

I can't help but kept staring at the delicate piece of jewellery on my neck which Omar gave me last night. To say it shocked me, was totally an understatement. I never had expected such a nice and warm gesture from Omar. The same Omar who was totally oblivion of my existence in the initial days of our marriage. Well I can't blame him, I would never blame him for that. Things have been changed now. Omar and I share a different kind of bond.
We can talk on all the topics from sports to art, we share our day's routine, we discuss and laugh together.


About two days after we came back from Australia, Omar had to go on a business trip. In those two days he was extremely busy with his work. He was a pure workaholic and forgets everything about himself when his focus is on work, even sometimes skipping his meal on purpose. I found him an extremely dedicated and passionate towards everything he cares about.

We used to talk almost daily when Omar was in Turkey. I tried to find this Omar-calls-me-daily-and-how-good-I-feel-talking-to-him kind of feeling awkward but damn, I failed at this miserably. I enjoyed talking to him and telling him about my day. He was an easy- going person. The arrogant Omar I knew was long gone. He has got something in him that I find very easy to open up to him.

It was his fourth day in Turkey when he brought up the topic of me going back to college when we were talking about his study days, I immediately refuse the idea very rudely. Starting college again had become a nightmare, how would I answer those never ending questions about my sudden disappearence, about Sawera's not being in any lime light and so much that I didn't want to face just as yet. Despite of my behaviour, Omar showed his understanding towards the situation I'm afraid to face. It was such a kind gesture from him that I will be thankful for.

Everytime he took me by surprise. Just like last night when he came to my bedroom after dinner and gave this elegant necklace. His eyes were sparkling when he asked me if he could put the necklace on and without thinking I immediately nodded, gesturing him to make his move. And the moment his fingers touch the bare skin of my neck, I felt a shiver down my spine. His hot breath was fanning the back of my neck, giving me sensations. He gently turned me around to face him and the proximity between us made my heart beat hundred times faster and louder. A tinge of red was started to form on my cheeks as he caressed my cheek from the back of his hand, his eyes fixated on me. I couldn't dare to look into them, they were full of unknown emotions that even Omar was unaware of. Both of us were lost in the moment. I didn't know that I would be that much comfortable with him being so much near me.

"Good night Zara." Omar whispered and walked out of my room. That was awkward but what more awkward was my behaviour towards him. I started to lose my train of thoughts and it was wrong.

I couldn't give in the moment. I just couldn't.

A knock on the door startled me from my thoughts. I got up from the bed and walked towards the door. I was expecting Razia to come along with a cup of coffee for me but was delighted to see Omar with all his perfectness and morning glory. My jaw dropped at the beauty he possessed. His hair wet from the shower, nicely combed and set. Black v-neck pull over with black jeans, he was looking like a model stepped out from the cover of a fashion magazine. I was literally checking him out, he chukled looking at me and I blushed.

There's nothing wrong in it, my inner voice had pretty much convinced me.

"I didn't wake you up did I?" Omar asked with a cute smile playing on his lips.

" No no absolutely not. I was up." I gulped hard, trying hard not to look affected.

Damn, my nervousness.

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