Chapter 6

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Zara's POV:

Anoushay came to pick us up from the airport. She greeted me with a warm and friendly hug. She knew the situation which made Omar and I travel all the way to Australia. I was comfortable in Anoushay's company while Omar was talking to Shahmeer Bhai (brother-in-law) about the journey.

Anoushay lived in Adelaide, a city in South Australia. The city was peaceful with low population and environment was refreshing with the weather ideal for me. Not so hot. Pleasant.

The car ride came to halt and we got out of the car. I, immediately got caught in the beauty of the surroundings and of course Anoushay's beach front house. It was the best place to spend the rest of your life. Peaceful. Serene.

Anoushay took my hand and almost drag me inside of her house leaving the two guys unloading the luggage from the car. She can't stop smiling, well she was always like this. Smiling and happy.

The house was ideal for two people who wanted to hide from the rest of the world and I fell in love with it immediately. It's interior looked like something right out of a Disney fairytale with its wooden floors and walls. The structure was perfectly made and the sloping roof was painted red colour. The garden was full of flowers.

I was glad to get away from the hustle bustle especially what had happened at the airport. I needed some time to think. Anoushay didn't bring up the topic of how our lives had now been totally messed up. That's another good thing about her that she understand things. Anoushay and I talked whole day from movies to fashion, friends to family. It was easier that way. Sometimes I felt she was my sister not Omar's.

Talking of him, Omar left me to my own self, he spent hours at the beach, swimming and surfing. I only saw him during meals when he helped Anoushay in cooking. Turns out Omar was a better cook than all the khansamaa's ( chefs) my mother had hired. The usually calculative Omar Affandi let himself loose when it came to cooking. He was a sight to watch. He'd cook the most delicious meals and it was during these moments that he'd crack a smile and his eyes would light up. It was the first time I'd seen him smile since we got married.

Anoushay and Omar were pretty close. They share the perfect sibling bond. Watching them like this made me remember my good old days with Sawera. We never had the understanding that Omar and Anoushay shares. My sister loves to dominate others including me. I never had any complaint but now seeing Omar and Anoushay, I had witnessed the beauty of true sibling bond. So far I was having the best peaceful time of my life.

It was about the tenth day of our vacation that I decided to go to the beach. I hadn't been there because I considered it to be Omar's place, somewhere he could go to clear his head. That day he was busy watching some football match on the TV. Anoushay and Shahmeer bhai were invited somewhere on lunch since it was a weekend.

I walked up to the beach, it was calm and beautiful. Long walks on beach had always been fascinating for me and that's what I was planning to do. It was a cloudy day and because of the weekend, there were many people, just enjoying the weather and water. It was merely after 20 minutes, when Omar joined me, to my surprise he even wanted to talk. By the look on his face I couldn't read exactly what he was upto.

"Can we talk?" He asked and I nodded feeling concerned. What was this about?

"So...." he started.

"So?" I raised an eyebrow. I was trying to avoid the awkwardness.

"Have you been here before or this is the first time?"

"Have I been to Australia before or to beach?" I asked him trying to understand his question.

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