Chapter 7

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Omar's POV:

"What the hell Omar? Are you out of your senses? I can't believe you can say this to her. I mean... uugghhh seriously!?" Anoushay's reaction was expected. I knew it coming.

Anoushay and I were on the beach, sitting and talking. Like we always used to do. I told her about my yesterday's  confrontation with Zara and now she's reacting exactly like what I'd expected. Why couldn't she just see that I'm enough embarrassed for what I'd said to her. I needed her help to fix this and she clearly refused to help me by blaming it all on me. Wow.

Zara had been avoiding me and mostly be in her room or out to take a walk to the nearby wharf. Like right now she excused herself to walk up to the marina. She spent some time there, watch the boats and cruise there and came back home. It's been her routine since... well since that day. I only get to see her on meals. I thought she'd been crying but no, she wasn't. Instead she looked calm, never making any eye-contact with me. I wonder if this was how she was going to express her anger by staying silent, well I'd really had to get use to of it.

"I told you Anoushay because I need your help. I'm enough embarrassed of what I had said, so stop making me more." I said in irritated voice. I'd had enough.

"Uffff Omar...!! I can't really help you in this. If you want me to go to her and apologize on your behalf and tell her that my brother was being a jerk, it would only make things more complicated than it already is. Try to talk to her and sought it out. Only you two can fix this thing." She said softly and I nodded.

"Give a little time to yourselves and to this marriage, ofcourse. There's no need to rush. Take it very slow. And please don't always think about ending this marriage, it's not some sort of a game." She said with a smile and determination. I smiled back at her. My little sister was giving me lecture on life and I couldn't help smile.

"Yes mom." I said playfully and she slapped me on my shoulder.

We made our way back to home. Shahmeer had arrived from the grocery shopping and the two of us were planning on making dinner. We enjoyed cooking alot. It kinda help me in lifting up my mood. Always refreshing. Shahmeer and I started cooking when we were completing our degrees from Yales. It started out as a necessity and then became one of our hobby.

My cell phone started off and I picked it up to attend Farhan's call. He was my assistant. He asked me to check the important files he just had emailed me. Okay. It was important so I excused myself and left the room. 

I could clearly listen to their voices from the kitchen. All three of them, Anoushay, Shahmeer and Zara were there and God knows what are they laughing at. Probably, Shahmeer had cracked  some lame joke which caused them into laughter. What took my attention was Zara.


I've seen her laughing multiple times before that but, at that moment it was surreal. The sound of her laugh was so ecstatic that for a moment I forgot what I was doing. I just couldn't keep my eyes off of her face. She looked so beautiful when she laughed. Ten times more beautiful than when she smile. A very little blush was formed on her cheeks which made her look young and more innocent. Her hair were in pony tail and few strands were on her face. The sight infront of me was breathtakingly beautiful.

Get a life Omar.

I mentally scolded myself for this inappropriate act of mine. I wasn't in a place to think like that about her. It wasn't even a right time when she was so mad at me for my stupidity. And especially after a little one on one with her the other day. I wasn't in my right mind I guess or was I just trying to convince myself. I couldn't keep myself away from her and the moment our skin came in contact, a bizarre feeling hit me in my nerves. I wasn't able to justify my act.

I admire Zara in so many ways even before. Her polite way of talking, her kindness, her honesty towards her relationships and so many other things that intrigued me in so many different ways. I started to think that how would I agree to marry Sawera and chose her as my partner for the rest of my life. And then I think about how Zara has always been an introvert person, with her limited social circle where as Sawera fulfills all the characteristics of being outstandingly bold and social behaviour who can move around with me in my group of people.

The thing that I unable to register was how my admiration towards Zara has grown into full blown fondness in this little time of our marriage.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I was sitting across the kitchen, in a corner of the sitting room. A glass foyer was seperating me from them. I had been checking these files and presentations from the past thrity minutes. I was almost done but I decided to sit there, pretending that I was still busy but in actual I was watching my wife. She was busy cutting vegetables for salad. She felt my gaze, next moment she looked up and caught me staring at her, I tried to smile but in a second she averted her eyes.


I smiled to myself. She's got something in her which caught my attention every time. I only wanted her to be happy and carefree Zara like she was used to be.
The more I think about Zara and how different and unique she was from her sister, I can't stop myself to get attracted towards her. It's disturbing for me because I can't allow myself to fall for anyone. Not now. After what I had experienced I just couldn't bring myself to surrender to the bluff game of love.

"Omar... dinner's ready!" Anoushay shouted from the dinning table.

"Coming." I replied her, turning my laptop off and joined them on the table.

"Hmmm... smell's really good, what exactly have you guys made..?" I asked, throwing a wink at Shahmeer. Who in return playfully punched me on my arm.

"Lemon Chicken with stir-fry veggies! Turns out it's Zara's favourite too." Anoushay excitedly told me. I looked at Zara, she had the most cutest smile on her face. Damn.

We ate our dinner, Shahmeer and I mostly talked about his new office setup in Adelaide and my business plans for this year. In all the serious talk, what my eyes didn't miss was Zara. She was the only girl I saw ofcourse other than my sister, who was eating fully like she actually was enjoying her meal. All the girls got uncomfortable while eating food infront of their dates, even Sawera never ordered complete meals whenever we went for dinners or lunch. She always had this stupid reason that she was on some diet. Seriously. It was annoying.

I mentally slapped myself for this comparison. Again.I can't help but campare them even in the slightest of the things.

Zara was so herself. So real. Genuine. And Sawera was all about pretense. Fake.

Wow Omar. Good going.

The days were passing by. I was trying my best to reconcile with Zara, but like she was on ignoring mode kept avoiding me. Anoushay was no help in this. Even now Shahmeer had his share in knocking some sense in me. I rolled my eyes on his awkward brotherly lecture and we ended up laughing hysterically.

We had few days left here. It was 3 days to be exact before we leave for Karachi,  I received a call from my one of the best man. He was informing me about 'her' whereabouts.

Now all I had to do was to form a game plan. Easier said than done.


Okay so...!?? Please don't hate me for this because it is a filler chapter. Writing Omar's pov at this point in the story was really hard for me. It may not be up to the mark chapter but atleast I tried. Please vote and comment. Feel free to suggest your ideas regarding Omar's pov. Thank u..:)

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