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                     *~ Part 1 ~*

Zara's POV:




No.... this can't be possible!

I sat down on the cold washroom floor in exasperation, dropping my head in my hands. I ran the test for the third time and it showed positive like the previous two results. I've been deliberately overlooking the initial symptoms by calling it my stressful schedule and messed up state of mind until last week. Slight changes in my body made me run the pregnancy test and it came out positive.

This can't be possible....

I've been taking my pills reg--u-l-arly...

Holy shit...

As I now remember the morning after our first anniversary night... we woke up from the constantly ringing phone. Safina Aunty called us to inform that Anoushay had a baby girl and both of them were doing fine. In all that excitement and joy, I forgot to take my dose.

Getting up from the floor I throw the test strip into the bin and washed my hands. I also splashed some cold water on my face to calm my nerves. I was feeling terrified and overwhelmed at the same time if that was even possible. My emotions were all over the place to be honest. It's been two and a half month to be exact, since I came to Istanbul and in those months Omar and I barely have talked. Now, since past two weeks he wasn't answering my calls, neither replying my emails or messages. I was afraid how would he react to the news that I'm pregnant.

Oh my god...

A pair of tears rolled down my cheeks as I felt helplessness all over again... I've been trying to call Omar since the first time I took the test and it came out positive but there's always something wrong that my line got disconnected after every two or three rings.

I wanted to tell him about so many things including this news. Why is he not trying to reach me? Doesn't he care anymore? Has he been involved with someone else...???


Absolutely not...

My mind rejected the stupid thoughts I've been having...

Picking up the phone, I decided to call the landline number. He must be home, getting ready for work. My heart was beating uncontrollably as the bells keep ringing, finally after felt like forever I heard Safina Aunty's voice and I broke down on the phone.

Omar's POV:

I got out of the car and automatically my eyes searched for Zara. She was sitting on a bench, her favourite place, facing the sea. I smiled and walked briskly towards her. Today is the day... my heart swelled with joy. I've known this girl since.... forever. She has my heart and all the love in it.

Upon reaching her, I bent down to place a soft kiss on her left cheek and came to sit down on her left side. She was watching the tides melancholy.

Why does she seem distant?

"Zara.." I whispered. Her beautiful brown hairs were tied loosely on her neck and few strands were making their way on to her face. She was wearing a white summer dress.

"Hmm." She responded, still not looking at me.

I hold her hand in mine, it was hard to look anywhere when she's sitting so close to me.

"See... I brought you your favorite lillies..." I give her the bouqet but even that didn't make her smile.


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