Chapter 22

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Nofel's POV:

"I went to see doctor two days ago...." Sawera said after a while, her eyes were fixed on the calm sea infront of us.

I was wondering the reason behind her quietness throughout the distance we covered from Affandi Enterprise to the beach. Her, coming along with me without showing usual rigidness, was no less than a miracle for me because at this point in our relationship, she wasn't even ready for a talk.

I looked at her holding my breath. I was very well aware of what's gonna come out of her mouth next. Well it wasn't like she won't get to know it but still I was hoping for some miracle.

"..... and??" I gulped hard.

She turned her face towards me and looked me in the eye. For the first time in all these months we were eye to eye, seeing the depths of each other's soul.

Damn... how much I have missed her...

She averted her gaze and looked down at her hands which were in her lap. I reached for her hands, holding them gently in mine.

"She said.... I-I can't c-concieve...." She was blinking back her tears. I wrap my arm around her shoulder comforting her.

"....... I can never get pregnant.... I can never have a child.... all because of me...." Her face was wet with tears as I pull her closer to me, letting her cry.

It wasn't a revelation for me because the doctors had already informed that Sawera can't conceive and if she even does by some miracle, then there's a high risk that baby and mother won't survive.

I still remember that darkest moment when we were in Murree and doctor told me about her uterus being damaged and chances of concieving were reduced to one percent. At that moment, Sawera's life was more important to me. It still is. As long as Sawera was healthy and fine, I was happy.

"Sawera.... it's okay... nothing matters to me more than you..." I whispered placing my chin on her head.

"....... if I didn't act so reckless it would never happened...... you have no idea Nofel how much I wanted that... A family of our own." She said, still sobbing.

"Ssshhhh... it's okay love... we're gonna every possible thing... medical science is very much advanced now... just don't cry please." I rubbed her back gently.

"Don't give me false hope Nofel...." she pushed away from me. "There is no chance of me having a baby, doctor has already confirmed me. But why do you care? Huh? Why would you care? You're going to have yo..ur ow-wn child from that girl.... " She was now crying hysterically. Her anger and pain both coming out in the form of tears and I didn't want to stop her. I let her cry out all her pain and anger because I know after that we're gonna have the real talk.


Zara's POV:

I tugged the loose strand of hair behind my ear as I watched him talking on the phone. The little frown formed between his perfectly shaped eyebrows as he listened something over the phone. An urge of touching the beautiful facial features of my irresistibly handsome husband poked inside me, making my face go red.

Biting my lip, I hide my smile and looked around the beautiful surroundings of that seaside resturant.

Omar bring me here for dinner on our way back from Saman. I couldn't help but laugh at him when he possessively wrapped his hand around my waist while greeting Faris. Well that was one awkward moment though. Omar's never ending death glares to Faris put me in a difficult situation whenever he tried to flirt with me. A part of me though, enjoys the sight of jealous and possessive Omar.

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