Chapter 12

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Zara's POV:

"What do you mean...?" I breathed once my head stopped spinning.

"She's missing!" He said in frustrated tone. "I just don't understand why the hell did she leave the house alone." He ran his hand through his hair.

"This is your personal matter Nofel, I can't help you. Perhaps you should be doing all your efforts to find her." I said in a matter of fact tone but it wasn't helping. I was freaking out. No matter how much I act careless she was still my sister-my blood. His phone started ringing and by the look of it, it was a bad news. His expressions change from frustrated to serious then he sighed deeply as he disconnected the phone and lean against the wall.

"What is it about? Who was on the line? Is she okay?" I asked in one breath.

"She got into an accident... they said something about internal bleeding and fractures. They found her in Murree. You have to come with me!" He suddenly burst and I panicked. Sawera was hurt and alone with no one to take care of her. Nofel was asking me to come with him, he needed my help.

"Nofel I can't.... Sawera and I..."

"Are you for real? Your sister's dying and you choose to think about yourself?" He yelled and I winced.

"Let me first talk to Omar. Just stay here okay." I said and ran towards my room where cell phone was.

One...two...three....four...five.... bells rang but he didn't pick up.

"Damn it Omar just pick up the phone." I sighed frustratedly, redialing his number again. But no respond.


I dialled his assistant's number and asked him to connect me with Omar on line.

"Sorry ma'am! He's in the middle of very important meeting, he can't talk right now. You can tell me, I'll convey the message." He said in a very bussiness tone.
"Please! Let me just talk to him." I said pleadingly. I didn't care what he would think and I was in no condition to consider the possible outcome.
"Okay wait." He said after a while and I sighed.
"Zara! What's wrong? Every thing okay?" Omar, finally was on the phone after like five minute wait. His voice dropping hurry.
"It's Sawera!" I blurted out at once and heard him mutter 'what the hell'.

"She needs my help, Omar. She's in hospital. She got into an accident. I...I.. want to..."

"After what she had done to you, to me, you still want to go and meet her? Come on Zara! Don't be stupid. It would be some trick she's playing on you." He almost snapped at me, every word from his mouth showed how much he is irritated with the name of my sister.

"I can't believe you are saying this." I hardly uttered those words, trying to swallow what he just had said.

"Please. I don't have time to know about your sister. I don't care okay. And please don't stress yourself about her." With that he hung up the phone.

Now what...

I gulped as I considered my options and later realized there were none. I didn't have a choice. I slowly came down from my room when I found Nofel sitting in the living room with Tahir Uncle.

He must have been back from his game earlier than usual, I assumed.

By the look on his face I was sure Nofel had told him about the situation caused by my sister.

"Have you talked to Omar?" He asked, his voice calm.

"I did. He said he doesn't care." I informed him.

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