[ Prologue ]

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As was sitting on my couch playing on a new game that I got on my laptop. My mom was loudly fighting with my sister Lynn. Which it is unusual to hear them fight truthfully. They usually get along with everything and agree with each other. The perfect mother daughter relationship, so they say.

"No fucking way mom I'm not doing that!" I heard my sister yell. I wonder what they're yelling about. "Yes you are young lady!" My mom screamed back at Lynn. At this moment I felt kind of bad for Lynn, though we don't get along greatly, I still care for her in a sister way. I definitely don't really care for my mom though...

Surprisingly I heard my phone ring out The World Around You by Papa Roach over the noise. As I looked to see who it was, it was Allie, my best, and only friend. Back in school, is it hard for me to make friends.

I went off to my room and slammed the door and dove on my bed and pressed the green call button.

"Yello-" I began but was cut off by a loud screaming noise from the over end. That caused me to take the phone away from my ear startled by the murderous screams. About a minute later I put it back and said "Wow, ya done yet...". This wasn't surprising, Allie was one of those crazy girls, but she's awesome, trust me.

"Kat! Oh my fucking god! Guess what!?!" She said panting a bit, but in a still loud tone of voice. "Oh I know, did you knock your head or got into something you shouldn't have?" I sarcastically said and laughed. I heard her laugh at the other end and continued.
"NO! I just got all excess passes to a festival near us featuring five famous bands! One is none other than Papa Roach!"

I then just processed what she said, so took the phone away from my ear got off my bed and joined on the girly fit of screaming, waking the neighborhood more with her. Normally I'm not like this, but Papa Roach has been my all time favourite band. I don't even care who rest is, that is just a bonus.

After both screaming and calming down I then put the phone back to my ear. And we started talking again. "Really no joke?!" I asked with slight worry "Nope, why would it be?" she said popping the 'p' with a smile in her voice. I can't believe it..

"What time?!" I practically yelled over joyed. "It is on Monday at noon time, so in...like two days." she said with the same smile in her voice. "Oh and also uh...pack like two weeks worth of cloths..." She said.

"Okay, but like why so much though?" I asked with a confused face. "Because they're doing more than one concert, it is a festival I mean dude, and plus I wanna stay there to like y'know vacation" she laughed a little. "But can you go? That's what I was unsure about" she asked.

"Yeah I can, my mom won't care of course" I laughed with a slight eye-roll. "Great! Better get packing, because I'm picking you up tomorrow. I'm just gonna knock loud on your door because I know you sleep till like 2 in the afternoon but we need to go early" she rambled on.

"Yeah yeah, can do thanks Al" I giggled.

"Okay see ya tomorrow bye babe, and don't call me that or I'll rip your head off!" I could tell she's smirking. "Okay, buh-bye honnney" I joked making little fake kissy noises in the phone laughing.

We both shared a laugh then hung up, and I headed straight to my closet grabbing my two suit cases.

Packing all the cloths I would most likely need, my makeup, brush, just all the necessities. I can't believe I'm actually going om a vacation. I haven't been on one since I was a little girl.

After leaving a set of clothes and stuff for tomorrow morning, I was finally almost done packing.

As I thought that, I quickly rememberd my mose prized possession. The teddy my dad gave me when I was nine years old. Almost right before stuff happened..with him being taken away from me. I let a stray tear fall from my eye, landing a wet mark on my shirt. I stuffed it gently in my suit case zipping it up, and patting it gently. Sliding the two suit cases I packed near my bed room door.

Smiling a little, knowing I'd get out of this hell hole city for a couple of weeks at least. And I'll be with my best friend to make it more exiting!
So now I guess...let the story begin.

...To Be Loved (Papa Roach/Jacoby Shaddix)Where stories live. Discover now