3 years ago

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You stood at the train station waiting for the train that would bring your boyfriend back to you. He had been away fighting in Africa for many years and you hadn't seen him since he left. Throughout his time away, you exchanged letters and kept in touch. You felt your heart beat quicken as the train pulled up at the station. Butterflies raced around your stomach as the doors opened and passengers started flowing off. You watched as families were reunited and couples embraced.

A short man with brown hair and a moustache came hurtling towards you. He hurried straight into you, dropping his suitcase on the floor 'oh I am so sorry miss' he began, you smiled at him 'it's no problem sir, I appreciate you are probably eager to return home. Have you been away fighting?' He nodded 'trying to avoid some one actually miss and yes miss, in Africa' 'avoid some one? yes my boyfriend was there also, perhaps you know him?' You asked and he looked at you 'afraid so miss, Some men aren't my type of men and perhaps I do miss, what was his name? A beautiful young woman like you, I bet he's a lovely man, Rowland perhaps?' You giggled at the man's funny expressions 'Lombard' you spoke and his face changed instantly 'only Lombard I know is Philip-' 'yes that's him!' You interrupted and he looked at you with pure fear in his face 'Philip? No miss, not him. I'm so sorry for you' he said quickly and quietly, looking frightfully over his shoulder 'why?' You asked 'he's not a man, he's a monster. I'm so sorry miss, good day to you' he whispered and then nodded his head to you and hurried off. You brushed your dress down and looked back to the train 'what's a beautiful woman like you doing stood here alone then' a voice whispered into your ear from behind you, you smirked and spun around 'Philip!' You exclaimed wrapping your arms around the brown haired Irish man in front of you and throwing your lips to his 'miss me darlin?' He asked, laughing. You nodded 'very much, how was it? Shall we go for a spot of tea and you can tell me everything?' You spoke and he smiled 'I've missed you so much' he laughed offering you his arm, you took it and began walking off. You walked to the tea room but your previous conversation with the distressed little man played over in your mind; the man was not only negative towards Philip but fearful too.

'And then he had to go over to the tribe and do a strip tease!' Philip laughed. 'It seems you've had a little too much fun at this war' you giggled and he reached across the table and grabbed your hand. 'I really love you, all the men, they spoke of their wives and sweethearts and it made me realise how much I missed you' you felt yourself blush 'Miss Y/N L/N-' he began as he got down on one knee 'will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?' He asked. You felt tears begin to slide down your cheeks 'oh Philip!' You exclaimed 'I need to ask you something first' you said gravely, he formed and sat back onto his chair. 'While I was waiting for you, a young man bumped into me, he had ran off the train. He said he knew you. He said you were a monster' you explained as you saw the colour wash from Philip's face 'Phil, what happened?' You asked, almost afraid of the response you would get. He leant in closely to you and whispered 'things happened, I did what I had to do and I'm not sorry for that and any man who wants to judge me or cast a view of me is a fucking hypocrite because any bastard would do the same!' He whisper-shouted. You were taken aback 'what are you talking about!? What have you done' you asked sternly. 'I killed 21 members of some tribe' you gasped and felt tears form in your eyes 'why?' You whispered, barely audible. 'I had no choice but to I needed food and supplies. My men needed food and supplies; it was self-perseveration y/n. It was us or them and they weren't helping to win the war' you gasped in horror at the lack of remorse he showed. You quickly stood up for, the table 'I don't know who you are, but you are not the man I fell in love with, you deserve to be brought to justice.' He jumped up violently towards you 'yeah and whose gonna bring me to justice ey? I did what anyone would do. I put myself first, you're an absolute hypocrite. You've just been pissing your days away waiting for me and my money to show up' he spat. You stood up calmly, brushed off your dress then spoke 'Good day Mr Lombard' then you scurried out of the tearoom and into the bustling street, you didn't turn around until you were out of sight, you saw your un-remorseful, murderous ex boyfriend staring at you and watching you walk out of his life as he smoked his cigarette calmly.

So this started off as an imagine but I decided to turn it into its own book. Hope you like it, please comment and vote.

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