Reconciliations and Records

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'Great so we now have rooms full of dead bodies' Lombard laughed as you entered another room 'that's not funny' you scolded. 'Do you know, being murdered may be more fun than being stuck with you for another minute' he said and you punched his arm 'you are a repulsive, selfish, arrogant prick and you think of nothing else and no one else other than yourself! Rogers has just lost his wife and you are making jokes about it' you spat. You were now squaring up to him 'I want to know what's happened to you, what's made you hate the world so much?' 'Mr Lombard, the world chewed me up and spat me back out with nothing but a lesson, maybe tribal murderers are marriage material' you said as you walked on; 'y/n wait' he whined 'what!?' You exclaimed as you spun round. Philip looked at you then pushed you against the wall, putting his hands on your cheeks and pushing his lips against yours; you tried to fight it but you couldn't. You gave into his touch and moaned as he deepened your kiss. His hand began to move slowly up your thigh, taking your dress with it. In no time, your dress was around your waist and Philip was planting small kisses on your neck. You pushed him away 'I am not doing this again.' You spoke, straightening yourself up then you heard a figure approaching.

Armstrong's POV
There were 3 dead, Lombard and miss Gardiner had disappeared and I was beginning to freak out. I slowly walked downstairs and into the passageway . I walked on further and saw Philip and Ms Gardiner. 'What's going on here?' I asked as Lombard straightened his shirt 'Mr Lombard was searching for Mr Owen' Ms Gardiner spoke sweetly and I nodded. 'Come on, we need to stay together' I said and they nodded, following me.

We reached the dining room where our companions were sat 'Ms Gardiner, please sing us a song' Wargrave spoke 'you have such a beautiful voice' 'shame my husband didn't agree' she spoke 'what do you mean?' Blore asked 'my husband wasn't exactly supportive of my career, he paid for me to meet agents and record but that was only because it was our deal, he helped me and I'd give myself to him completely.' 'You mean you only married him for a recording contract?' Lombard asked, smirking at her yes, I suppose I did' She replied and he clapped 'well done Ms Gardiner'. She rolled her eyes and began to sing. Blore stood up and offered his arm to Miss Brent, the two glided around the room as I sat next to the judge; Lombard stayed still his gaze never leaving Ms Gardiner. Her voice sounded round the room, the words she sung so raw and beautiful. It became clear to me then that that young woman had known hardship and pain.

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