And then there were Seven

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'Ms Gardiner' you heard a voice speak as you gazed out to the ocean. Turning you saw the general sat on the edge of the cliff. 'General' you spoke, your cheeks sore from the mixture of tears and salty winds. 'I needed a break, I feel I'm not the only one' he spoke and you nodded 'it's been tough for me' you smiled. 'I need to confide in someone and my instincts tell me you are that someone' he started 'my wife, she was having an affair. One day my coat got mixed up with Arthur's and I saw the letters, I was furious; I should have just stepped aside and let them be happy but instead I gave him an order to engage. It killed him, I deliberately killed the man Ms Gardiner' he gazed at you 'I believe we are here for punishment, I deserve punishment so I am going to stay- I will not leave this island' you nodded 'I respect that general' you spoke giving him a hug. Lombard appeared behind you 'Ms Gardiner, are you packed?' 'Are you stupid Mr Lombard?' you spoke, not looking at him 'Naracott isn't coming back, we aren't leaving this island' you said calmly; 'y/n stop this, stop what Lombard? Stop being dramatic? Why will no one else accept what is happening to us!? We are criminals and this is our punishment' you shouted before you stormed into the house.

Philip followed you 'y/n' he said, grabbing your wrist and pulling you towards him 'what!?' 'What happened?' 'My husband died and i learnt that evil people will never change. The world is full of hypocrites Philip' 'that girl, Lorna? Who was she?' Lombard asked you softly. You were about to answer when you saw a large flock of birds circling outside; you raced out and saw the general, laid motionless with an open wound on his head. 'General!' You gasped running up to him, 'Eight little soldier boys travelling in Devon; One said he'd stay there and then there were seven'. You watched as the other people gathered around. Suddenly a thought popped into your head and you ran back inside. You ran to the dining room and surely enough, there was 7 emerald statues 'no way' you gasped and Lombard appeared next to you 'we are being hunted Philip'. He nodded 'better go and find number 22 then' he spat offering you his hand.

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