Last One Standing?

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Slowly you walked back to the big house as tears streamed down your face. You cried for many things, for the tragic events that had happened on soldier island or for the lies you and your company told. You opened the large door and slowly walked up the wooden staircase. You remembered the bodies in the rooms and the innocent lives lost; eventually you reached your room and opened the door. You walked to the middle of your room and stared at the hook sticking out from the ceiling; there was a noose tied around the hook and a chair underneath it. A voice in your head told you to do it, told you to end it; it was finally time to give up but at the same time there was a feeling in you. A feeling that you couldn't ignore, telling you something wasn't right; telling you you needed to fight the island.

You suddenly stopped as you sensed another figure in your room 'I hope you are pleased with yourself Wargrave' you spoke clearly without turning around. There was a chuckle 'y/n, I always knew you were my favourite, how long did you know?' You turned to face his wrinkled smirk 'I knew almost straight away, you were too calm and you were the only one who knew the truth about my story. Then you dished out the whole 'justice will be served speech''. He laughed at you 'justice will be served. The murders will die' you nodded and he continued 'my treatment didn't work' he spoke as he walked past you towards the window of your room, he gazed out to the cliffs 'I'm dying, and if I am leaving this earth I may aswell take you all with me' he smiled and you smiled back. 'Only there's one problem' you spoke and he tilted his head at you in wonder 'I lied' he smirked 'everyone lied y/n that is how they escaped justice' 'no, with my story I lied' you then walked up to him and whispered in his ear. The smirk immediately left his face and a look of shock replaced it. 'You will still die here!' He shouted.

'Maybe I will, or I'll be found and arrested as a murderer' 'yes, leaving your lover on the beach like that' he spat and you smiled 'indeed. Well sir it's been lovely speaking to you but I'm afraid it's time to go' you smiled and turned to leave your room. He grabbed your hand and pulled you back 'what about me? What if I change my mind and use this..' He held up a single bullet 'on you' you smirked at him 'be my guest, but where's the gun?' You asked and he frowned. Suddenly you pulled the gun from your skirt and pointed it at him. 'Please y/n' he chuckled 'we both know that guns empty, you just used all the bullets to shoot your tribal murderer.' You smiled 'what's this then?' You asked as you pulled the trigger. Wargrave let out a look of fear as he eyes widened and he fell to the floor dead. 'Y/N!' You heard a familiar Irish accent call, smiling you turned around and walked back out of the room, leaving the noose and the body. Wargrave's eyes were open and they stared at you, you saw the emotion in them, he was admiting defeat. You had won, but what was the prize?

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