And then there were eight

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'Philip! He's dead' you cried as Lombard held you. 'Come on lets get you to bed' he spoke and you shook your head 'I can't sleep, I feel sick' you spoke and he nodded 'okay, we'll get you a drink' you smiled 'you still make me sick but I'm willing to forgive you temporarily' he nodded 'by the sounds of it we are both guilty' he said sinisterly and you gasped. Pushing past him you raced down stairs and into the dining room, looking for the brandy.

You stopped suddenly at the sight that met your eyes, there was now only 9 emerald statues in the table. Someone walked past the door 'Dr Armstrong?' You whispered and he entered the room 'count them' he sighed and began counted then stopped 'I'm right aren't I? Ones missing?' You said. Armstrong looked at you and nodded 'oh my'. You felt your heart beat faster; 'let's get to bed ms Gardiner' he said leading you slowly upstairs. You sat on your bed and cried, clutching your stomach and sobbing until the early hours of the morning.

You woke up on the floor, there was a commotion outside. 'Dr Armstrong is Mrs Rogers okay?' You asked him 'fraud not ms Gardiner, she's dead' he said matter of factly then raced off. You ran downstairs to the dining room, where Lombard, the general, Wargrave and Blore were already sat. 'One two three four five six seven eight' then you stopped. 'Wargrave, count them please' he did as you asked 'eight ms Gardiner' then he realised 'there eight ms Gardiner!' 'Exactly, Nine little soldier boys stayed up very late; One overslept himself and then there were eight. Don't you see!?' 'I think you need some more sleep Ms Gardiner' Lombard spoke, standing up and walking towards you. You pulled out of his grasp 'get off me, I'm not mad, you'll see. You will all see' you shouted as you ran out of the house and to the top of the cliffs 'this island it's not right. Owen, he can't be here can he? What if we are all being punished!?' You gasped. Looking out at the sea as the waves crashed over the rocks. 'This is hell' you whispered.

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