And Then There Were Five

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You walked to your room when you heard someone shout to you ' Ms Gardiner, are you okay?' You turned and saw Blore. 'To be frightfully honest sergeant, no I am rather not' he nodded 'come on love' he stretched out his arm and you walked towards it. He led you into the dining room and then say you down and she placed s glass of brandy in your shaking hand. 'I don't understand sir' he looked at you and frowned. 'No miss I'm afraid I don't know either. I do know though I don't trust any of them; crafty buggers could be any of them' you sighed 'although one of them is most likely' you mumbled 'did you say something miss?' Blore asked you and you shook your head 'Tubs' Lombard appeared at the door, throwing you a wink 'come with me' Blore nodded and went to see Lombard. You sighed and walked up the stairs to Mrs Brent's room. You knocked on the door 'Mrs brent?' 'Come in' you walked in and saw she was sat in a chair, looking out to the sea. 'Oh Ms Gardiner, what a mess' you nodded 'it seems that way'.

Mrs Brent looked at you with tears in her eyes 'I took Louisa in, I taught her how to be a lady. I taught her sewing and cooking and she was a wonderful young woman; it gave me so much joy to have made something so perfect out of something disastrous. Then she ruined it, all my hard work thrown away. She became pregnant, I was distraught. I cast her out, told her to find her own work or seek help from the father; then I learned she had thrown herself in front of a train because I, the only person who ever helped her had rejected her.' You glanced at her, unsure of what to say 'Mrs Brent, you can't blame yourself, you didn't know what she would do' you spoke softly 'no I did, she said if she didn't have me she may as well be dead because she would have no one. She warned me, stupid girl' you gasped 'she needed you' 'don't ms Gardiner' her expression changed and her face hardened 'she was a brat. I gave her everything and how did she repay me!? By getting pregnant, following the same way her slut of a mother did!' You stood up shocked and appalled 'did you ever ask her about the father Mrs Brent?' She shook her head 'sometimes women have little say in getting pregnant. But all you did, you just cast her aside scared your perfect daughter would ruin your image' she looked at you with hateful eyes 'I would like some tea please Ms Gardiner' you rolled your eyes 'yes Mrs Brent, I won't be long' you walked slowly out of the room and shut the door behind you.

As soon as you shut the door, you heard sobs as though the wires had finally connected and Emily Brent had realised what she had done. You sighed and walked down to the kitchen. When you finished the tea you walked back up when you were grabbed by an arm 'Ms Gardiner?' Dr Armstrong spoke 'yes sir?' 'Were you aware Lombard has a gun?' He asked you, full of terror. You shook your head 'he's a madman, killed 21 men and is turning this hell into a game and all this time he's strolling round with a gun! A bloody gun!'  He exclaimed hysterically. 'We will call a house meeting this evening about it Dr, now if you'd excuse me.' You said as you slid past him. You entered Mrs Brent's room and placed the tea on the table; you then ran downstairs again and into the dining room. Gasping, you ran to the bottom of the stairs and struck the gong. 'Mrs Brent's room now!' You screamed. Within minutes everyone was crowded around the lifeless body in her chair, her own knitting needles piercing her neck. 'Six little soldier boys playing with a hive; A bumblebee stung one and then there were five.' You spoke quietly, earning a glance from all the me around you. 'Do you believe me yet!? Or do more have to die?' You exclaimed before running out of the room.

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