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5 years later

'Oi Mrs Lombard!' You heard Philip shout through the kitchen door to you. 'What?' You asked wandering out onto the porch watching where he was on the lawn with your daughter. 'She can ride all by herself now' Philip proudly announced. 'About time-' you laughed ' you've been out here for 3 hours trying to teach her'. You little girl jumped off her bike and ran towards you wrapping her tiny arms around your huge stomach. 'Mummy, you getting big' she smiled. You looked down to your bump. 'Mummy is ready to pop' you laughed and Lombard joined you on the porch, placing his hand on your stomach. 'So listen, there's something tonight, I can't afford to turn it down' he said and you frowned 'promise you'll be back in the morning?' He nodded 'I'll be back in the morning' 'then enjoy yourself' you said placing a kiss on his lips.

Nighttime came and Philip left, you went and said goodbye then put your daughter in bed. Philip was employed as a gangster for dodgy clubs in London. He would travel around and blackmail people into using the clubs or would trick them into playing cards and losing all their money. He was a crook and you loved him. You were pregnant, nearly 9 months and felt ready to pop; you weren't married,although he called you Mrs Lombard, you decided not to bother with it, after all it was just a piece of paper.

After the events on Soldier Island, the police closed the case following a letter found by the judge confessing his crimes. Apparently he'd put the message in a bottle; 'mummy' your daughter appeared at your door. 'I can't sleep, where's daddy' she mumbled, rubbing her tired little eyes. 'He's at work baby, he'll be back soon' you smiled and she clambered into bed with you, placing her hand on your stomach and talking to the baby. 'I'm Lorna, your big sister' you smiled as she huddled into me. 'Mummy?' She asked and you hummed 'will you still love me when the baby comes?' She asked and you tried not to giggle. 'Of course I will baby, I will love you both equally'. She seemed happy with that answer and rolled over, falling asleep.

It was early morning when you woke up, there was a terrible pain in your back and you decided to get up. You left your daughter, wrapped in sheets in your bed. You paced up and down in the kitchen when you felt water between your legs. 'Shit' you gasped. Your waters had broken and Philip wasn't home. You didn't even have a car and lived too far away to ring an ambulance or go to the hospital. 'Lorna!' You shouted and seconds later your little girl came running into the kitchen. 'Listen to me baby, the baby is coming, I need you to get me some towels from the cupboard okay?' She nodded, looking terrified and ran off as you sat on the floor.  Minutes later she returned and you nodded. It was time, the contractions were getting closer and closer together and you needed to start pushing. 'I can't do this alone' you muttered through your gritted teeth. Suddenly your daughter squealed and grabbed your hand 'I'm here mummy' you smiled and tried to hide how much pain you were in. Minutes passed as you kept pushing, your screams getting louder. There was a loud screech and your daughter's tiny hand was replaced by a large muscular one. 'You dickhead! You did this to me' you shouted at Lombard who was gripping onto your hand for dear life. 'I can see the head!' He announced and you gave one more push with all your might. There was silence and then...

A loud, high pitched cry.

'You've done it baby!' Philip announced as he handed you your baby boy. You felt tears stream down your face. 'I'm so proud of you' he said, kissing your forehead. 'Didn't mummy do well Lorna?' He asked your daughter who had watched the whole ordeal, she nodded and came running over. 'Hello baby, nice to see you. Mummy is the pretty one and Daddy is the one with big muscles and he smokes cigarettes. I'm Lorna and I'm the little one. I love you' she squealed placing a delicate kiss on his forehead. 'Name?' Philip asked you and you smiled. 'Harry' you said simply. 'Harry Lombard-' he smirked 'sounds like a lady's man, I love it' he chuckled before placing another kiss on your head. You said in silence admiring your perfect family and secretly thanking Judge Wargrave for bringing you and the serial killer love of your life back together.

So basically this story just felt unfinished to me and I decided to write this, hope you like it. Please vote and comment and check out my other stories too. Thank you :)

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