The truth

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'Your what?' Lombard asked and you slumped down the wall to sit on the floor. He joined you 'my daughter, she was born and 3 months later she died' Philip placed an arm around you as you went on 'my husband, I never loved him. I needed his money and I know that's wrong but that's the truth; he was a drunkard and he was overly fond of drugs. He would come home from work and attack me for absolutely no reason just because he was too off his face to do otherwise. I went to the recording studio and the cleaner, Eli. He became a close friend, he listened to me and helped me out with songs etc. Edward never liked him probably because he was the wrong colour or maybe because he was a decent human being. Anyway I discovered I was pregnant and I told Edward, suddenly he was nice to me. The beatings stopped. I was happy' you looked at Philip,who was staring at you intently, taking in what you were saying. 'He was away when she was born. He set Eli the task of being housekeeper and looking after me and Lorna, it was amazing- i felt free. We went out for trips and to the beach etc. Then Edward came home and everything changed. He wouldn't even accept Lorna. He despised her' 'why?' Philip asked softly 'because she was the wrong colour too' Philip gasped 'she was Eli's' 'she was, Edward flipped, he got completely drunk and hit me, then he went for Lorna I pushed him out of the way, he fell down the stairs. He was so angry he grabbed me and kept shouting 'you stupid bitch! You're mine, no one else's' you stopped as tears streamed down your face 'then he forced himself on me, when he was done. He took a beer and left. He came back the next morning- I'd spent the whole night cowering in Lorna's room waiting for him to return. He burst through the door and told me we were going to work, I was scared to leave Lorna. I came home after work and she was gone. I screamed and cried but he wouldn't tell me. The next day he brought her home and told me to take it as a warning. He could ruin me, he was right. He told me to get rid of her or I'd lose everything; I was terrified so i did as I was told. I took my baby girl to the park and left her. Then we reported her missing, she was found 4 days later, she had frozen to death. The following day I went to work, to escape Edward and the police were everywhere. Eli had hung himself, with a letter saying it was him who stole and dumped Lorna. I was furious, Edward was responsible. I went home and confronted him; he admitted everything. I needed revenge, for me, for my lover but mainly for my daughter. That night I put large amounts of his favourite drug in his food. The large amount of stimulants caused him to have a heart attack and I was free of him. I left town and bought a small cottage where I tried to start again; but i couldn't they haunt me Philip! I can't do it' you sobbed as Lombard pulled you into a hug 'ssshhh it's okay, I'm here' you could tell from his voice that he was also crying. You sat in his arms for what seemed like an eternity. You were asleep when they finished searching your room. Philip picked you up carried you to your bed. He laid you down and planted a kiss on your forehead. You pretended to be asleep when you heard him speak to you 'y/n i promise you, no matter what the cost. You are leaving this island alive' then he left the room, leaving you to your tears and nightmares.

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