And Then There Were Four

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You awoke the following day with little recollection of the night before. You were laid in your bed, fully clothed. Standing up you walked over to your dressing table and glanced in the mirror. Your face was puffy from the large amount of crying you had done and your eyes had bags under them.

You looked at your hair which was no longer the straight mid length do it was when you arrived. Due to the sea air and lack of washing, it had gone wavy. 'You still look fine to me' you heard, glancing around the room there was no one there. 'Come on, let's have a quickie' you heard. The voice suddenly became familiar as you saw your late husband appear in the mirror. 'Edward?' You gasped 'yeah babe it's me, wanna come join me?' He asked jumping on the bed in the reflection. You shook your head 'no, no no no' you spoke hysterically as you patted your face as if trying to wake yourself up. Edward got of the bed and walked over to you 'you what you daft bitch? Did you say no?' Suddenly his hand reached out from the mirror and coiled around your neck. You let out a blood curdling scream and fell to the floor.

'Y/N' you heard Lombard speak as you woke up, you threw yourself into his arms 'he was here, it was him' you sobbed, griping tightly to Lombard's biceps. 'Hey it's okay' he spoke to you 'doctor could you possibly give her a sedative?' Blore spoke but you shook your head 'no! I don't want anything I just want him to LEAVE ME ALONE!'
You screamed as Edward appeared again 'can't you see him Philip?' You asked and he shook his head 'I'm going mad, I'm going mad' you cried. 'Where Wargrave?' You suddenly asked realising he wasn't there, he had slept through your outburst.

You all scurried down to his room and opened the door. There he was, sat in his chair with a bullet through his brain; you fell to the floor 'oh my! Not Wargrave. When will this end!?' You cried as you covered your eyes 'Five little soldier boys going in for law; One got in Chancery and then there were four' Lombard spoke. Something caught your eye but you dismissed it as Philip helped you up. 'Go and check the statues' he said and you nodded. You went downstairs as the men began to wrap Wargrave in a towel. You reached the dining room and counted. Four; you felt yourself sigh as if you had become bored of the game. You walked back upstairs where the men were just leaving Wargrave's room; you looked at them, each one in turn then spoke 'well if we are going to die, I want to die pissed' you laughed, holding a bottle of brandy you had brought up with you. The men laughed 'that is the greatest idea I've heard since we reached this sodding island!' Blore exclaimed and you all strolled back down the stairs, ready to party.

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