And Then There Were Six

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'Are you okay Mr Rogers? Do you need any help?' You said walking into the kitchen. Mr Rogers had distanced himself from everyone else, still acting as your servant rather than your friend. 'Oh Ms Gardiner,thank you for the offer. I should be okay, there are some pies left that my late wife made I believe, I will serve them' he said wiping his eyes. You knew then that he had been crying 'please, let me help, in anyway I can' you spoke, resting a hand on his back. He smiled and nodded 'thank you, if you wouldn't mind washing those glasses in the sink' you nodded 'of course not'; you walked over to the sink and began to wash.

'I miss her so very much, it was not right what happened to her. Just as I suppose it was not right what happened to Mrs Brady' you turned and looked at him, he continued to speak 'me and Ethel, we were her housekeepers. She was a rich old lady but very ill; me and Ethel were both sick of caring for her, she was in such a state. She didn't even know who we were, everyday was a battle. I decided to stop giving her her medicine; Ethel said it was wrong but I didn't listen. Then she finally died and we were relieved of our posts. We travelled to the seaside, it was a blissful few weeks Ms Gardiner. I loved Ethel more than I can ever possibly say' you smiled and felt tears down your cheeks 'we all do things of which we are not proud' he smiled 'you are lucky.' You looked at him in confusion; 'how so?' 'You have Mr Lombard, I saw the way he looked at you. He feels nothing but love for you, the way he reacted to me that night- for which ms Gardiner I am most apologetic- you would do well to trust him, I feel.' You smile 'all this time you've been watching us Rogers?' 'Yes miss, I find it wise to work out the sort of people i am with before I socialise with them' you smiled and gave him a hug. 'Goodnight Rogers' 'goodnight miss, sleep well' you smiled and walked off to bed. You laid down, Roger's words echoing through your mind.

The following morning the sun shone brightly through your window. You woke up and went downstairs for some water. You walked into the kitchen and screamed; Roger's body was laid on the floor covered in his own blood. An axe laid next to him and his guts spilled everywhere. Suddenly footsteps appeared behind me and I felt arms wrap around me 'y/n oh my! Shit' Lombard shouted. Your stomach began to churn and you emptied its contents into a pan. 'He was fine! I was just talking to him last night! This is a joke!' You screeched, wiping your mouth. Suddenly everyone else appeared except Mrs Brent. Judge Wargrave stayed at the back of the group. You pushed past and went to stand with him and Lombard, Blore and Armstrong tried to clean Rogers up. 'Frightful business ms Gardiner' 'indeed judge, a real shame; one may be excused for thinking whoever is doing this, has seen a fair share of deaths in their life' you spoke and he smiled 'you may be onto something there y/n' you smiled and excused yourself as you went to check on the statues; as expected there was only six. 'Seven little soldier boys chopping up sticks; One chopped himself in halves and then there were six' you muttered to yourself.

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