And then there was One

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You ran across the beach quickly as he followed you then Suddenly you stopped and faced him. You fired two shots then collapsed, screaming next to Lombard's lifeless body. 'This is all your fault!' You screamed at him; 'you killed them, you killed them all'

You and Philip had gone to the cliff when something caught your eye, you went to investigate and found Armstrong's body, he had been pushed over the cliff. Either that or he'd jumped; you had convinced Philip to bury him, he gave you his gun and he went to retrieve the body and you took your opportunity. You turned the gun on him and began to scream at him 'it's you! You've murdered before, why not do it again' you remembered him putting his hands up to try and calm you but it didn't work.

Now he was dead, his body lay in the sea, the waves washed over his face. You cried as you stood up and stumbled back up the shore, to the house. There was only one thing left for you to do- you had to finish this.

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Sorry for the short paragraph but I wanted to update- more to come. The end is nigh though :(

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