And Then There Were Two

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'Go to the cliffs and wait for us' Lombard told you. 'Philip wait!' You exclaimed, he looked to you and you ran to him, embracing him in a hug. You grabbed what food you could carry and ran outside; you were stood on the porch, memories flooding through your head- you weren't dying here that was for sure. You began to walk to the cliff edge when you saw something move in the corner of your eye. You turned to face it but there was nothing there; you shook your head, trying to shake of the sinister feeling that had just come over you.

'Y/N' Lombard shouted, you turned and saw him stood on the porch, he waved his hand gesturing you to follow him; you sighed and ran back to the house. Lombard grabbed your hand and led you to the hall; Blore was laid there. His chest had been impaled with a rusty knife and the polar bear skin from the drawing room was laid over him. You stood still in shock and fear. You looked to Philip, the truth blatantly obvious, the evidence staring you in the face. There was nothing you could do but stare. 'Y/N?' Lombard asked you and you looked to him 'sorry, what?' You whispered, your voice stuck in your throat. 'I said we should get out of here' he said not breaking eye contact. You nodded slowly and he took your hand again; you walked down the hall. You looked down the hall one last time and suddenly felt your legs give way from under you. You fell but before you could hit the ground, strong arms were wrapped around you. 'What's going on?' Lombard asked you and you just looked at him 'Three little soldier boys walking in the zoo; A big bear hugged one and then there were two. Don't you see Philip, there's only two of us left! Eight are dead, if Owen is on the island he won't stop until we are dead too and that won't take long, it's been 3 days and he's got rid of 8!' You looked at Philip with complete terror; you both knew you were running out of time.

Philip took your head in his hands and spoke softly to you 'I promised you, I'm getting you out of here alive- no ifs or buts or nothing. Death is for other people not for us Y/N. I let you go once, I'll be damned if I'm letting you go again' he planted and kiss on your forehead and you nodded and headed to the cliffs. It was clear to you, he had to die...

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