Guns and confessions

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You walked back into the dining room later on in the evening. 'I'm glad you're here Ms Gardiner, we were just about to have a meeting' Lombard chuckled 'what a fucking waste of time' 'be quiet' Dr Armstrong scolded him. 'It's because of you we are holding this meeting; why do you have that gun?'

All eyes fell on Lombard 'I always carry it with me and it was implied I might need it' 'how?' You asked 'I was told that some shady characters would be here and I may need to protect myself' he explained. 'Well you're a lunatic and I'm not happy you having a gun' Blore announced 'you what tubs?' Lombard snapped, standing up 'I mean Lombard, you've already killed at least 21 men, you have no thought for anyone other than yourself and maybe a lady you can seduce so I don't feel safe you running around here with a gun' Lombard sniggered 'what a prick! You're a policeman aren't you?' Blore nodded 'so you're used to guns?' Blore didn't answer him. 'Both of you just stop this, Mr Lombard please don't shoot any of us' you spoke then went to sit in the chair next to Wargrave 'what a terrible business' 'indeed sir' the three other men stood shouting st each other; their voices were getting increasingly aggressive and loud. Then Lombard stormed out of the room, you heard his loud footprints clatter up the stairs; you sighed 'that man' you muttered, Wargrave heard you 'we all have regrets Ms Gardiner' he spoke and you smiled 'yeah I'm sure that's true sir'.

The dining room door flung open 'alright which one of you bastards has it!?' You spoke 'has what?' 'My gun! It's gone. I left it in a drawer, in a bloody locked draw so which one of you bastards has it!?' He shouted 'There must be a master key too so who has that?' Wargrave spoke. Lombard turned to Armstrong 'I've been down here, i don't have anything, all we have is your word the gun was stolen and I trust you as far as I can throw you!' The men moved closer together. 'You really are a first class, five star, solid gold fucking moron!' Lombard shouted 'please the lady' Wargrave said pointing to you, as a reference for them to mind their language. Everyone fell silent.

'Double bluff' Blore spoke 'what tubs?' Lombard spoke moving towards him 'you stealing your own gun, Armstrong has a point it's all riddles and games. Double bluff' he spoke. 'You! It's you! You have my gun you little prick!' He snapped 'Lombard please?!' Wargrave exclaimed. 'I don't have your sodding gun or no master key!' Blore shouted. 'All of you shut up, for fucks sake- just give it a rest!' You screamed, standing up from your chair 'if no one had the bloody thing then let's search everyone and everywhere!?' Everyone looked at you and nodded; one by one everyone went upstairs and checked the room. Armstrong first, then Lombard. He stood in a towel whilst you searched his room. After a while Wargrave spoke 'now you Ms Gardiner' you nodded and changed into you woollen swimming costume. Memories flooded back to you from when you last wore it. A family trip out to the beach. You went into the corridor as your room was searched and bumped straight into Lombard still wrapped in his towel. 'No games y/n, I want the truth' you sighed. 'Edward Gardiner was my alcoholic abusive husband and Lorna Amber Gardiner was my daughter.' You whispered and his eyes changed, suddenly full of confusion and sympathy.

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