And then there were three

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Blore's POV
It was the middle of the night when I saw a shady looking Armstrong exit his room, I didn't think much of it. I put it down to he was going to get a drink or something but in the morning he hadn't returned. I ran to Lombard's room and hammered on the door 'Lombard! Oi! Lombard!' Suddenly, Ms Gardiner's door opened and Lombard appeared, buttoning up his shirt 'what do you want tubs?' He asked me. Ms Gardiner appeared next to him wearing nothing but a sheet wrapped around her. 'Armstrong, it's Armstrong. He went out in the middle of the night and hasn't come back. shady bastard' I explained. Lombard's eyes lit up and he turned to Ms Gardiner, whispering something to her. She nodded and went back into her room. Lombard joined me and we went to find Armstrong.

We searched the whole house but there was nothing. He had just disappeared. Lombard said he was going to check on Ms Gardiner and I nodded, probably just going for round two. Oh well at least they are happy- they will die having someone unlike poor me. I won't even ever get to see my allotment again. 'TUBS!!!' I heard Lombard shout then he and Ms Gardiner came running down the stairs. Lombard had his gun in his hand.

Lombard's POV
I left tubs downstairs waiting for me as I went to check on y/n. She was sat in her room as I had told her. I told her to wait on the landing as I went to change my shirt. I walked into my room and there lying on my bed was my gun.

'It must have been Armstrong' I said, once I had gathered everyone in the drawing room. 'He disappears and your gun comes back' tubs added; I looked at y/n she was staring out of the window. 'Y/N?' I asked, she looked like she'd seen a ghost. 'Sorry I was somewhere else' she said. 'I did kill him you know' Tubs said suddenly, he began to blubber like a baby 'I didn't even think, I just beat him; his own mother couldn't see him. He was in such a state- poor lad' I looked at him and out of the corner of my eye, i saw y/n was doing the same. She looked so beautiful, I loved her so much. 'It's the little things in life, I have an allotment, some days I take a flask and some cheese sandwiches and spend the day up there, watching everything grow. Have you eaten a carrot fresh from the ground? It's amazing' I shook my head 'I'll never get to see that beautiful allotment ever again' suddenly y/n stood up 'fuck this! I'm am sick. I am not staying in this house and waiting to die! I am getting some supplies, I'm going to the cliff and I'm going to make a fire' I stood up too, and so did Tubs 'let's go then' I smirked and we went to gather supplies.

Please comment and vote, I won't be updating for a while due to overloads of work, sorry. Tell me what you think, there's a big twist coming :)

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